Press Day at the BB House!

Posted by Lessa on July 8, 2008 in _Reality Daze |

It’s CBS2, take two!

JennMcBride CBS2Eight media personalities, including the ever so fabulous Gretchen Massey, the host of House Calls, spent the day in the Big Brother House, competing in HOH, POV and ultimately a ‘shocking’ eviction. CBS2’s Jenn McBride ended up on slop, and though she normally will eat anything – including her dog’s cake – she described it as the one thing she’ll never, ever eat again. Her 12 hours of games, backstabbing and unappitizing menus were difficult, and she came away with a whole new respect for the game, the houseguests, and of course – her dog’s menu.

Although I work just yards from the house on the CBS lot in Studio City, they were kind enough to take us over to the set on golf carts. During that short ride, I met two other contestants, Brian Gianelli, a producer for of Yahoo! TV, and Kyle Buchanan of The Advocate. All slightly nervous and unsure of what was to come, we immediately established the “golf cart alliance” or GCA. Little did we know, 11 hours later, one of us would betray another, who was ultimately evicted.

We met up with the other five contestants, were gratefully assured the bathroom cameras would be turned off during press day, and all entered the house. As great as it looks on camera, the set is very much like a bunker and is not as comfortable or inviting in person. An abundance of double-sided mirrors, a dark screen shutting out light from the backyard during lockdowns, and the noise of cameras shifting to capture your every move all make for a surprisingly cold environment.

Click here to check out her take on the entire situation – including why she ultimately turned on her alliance. There’s also video available here.

Read TV Guide’s Zoe Alexander’s take on the experience here!

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