The Final Rose

Posted by Lessa on July 9, 2008 in rd, The Bachelorette |

Wow. I got to admit that I saw the ending coming as of a couple weeks ago – it was really the only way it could happen with the way the season was headed, though they drew out that 2 hours with every last bit of montage-y goodness they could. There were visits (joint visits!) home to meet DeAnna’s family, where the folks got the chance to grill the guys on their intentions. They each asked permission to propose, and Feminists everywhere groaned in unison. For me, I think it’s a sweet gesture, because both Fiance and Daddy know Baby Girl is gonna do whatever the hell she wants to anyway. Whatever. Heh.

Then there’s the last dates back in the bahamas, with lots of making out and gifts and even a – what? Surprise visit from Jeremy who tells her she made a huge mistake by sending him home. She cries, but boots him to the curb once again. Jesse and DeAnna go for a romantic day on a secluded beach and he gives her a ‘book of thoughts’ which is a scrapbook or pictures and notes someone dictated to him. He reads it and we’re back to loveydovy ready to settle down talk.

Jason and Deanna go scuba diving and swimming with sharks,and he gives her the gift of a board game he made himself, that plays out their televised courtship…. awwwww. Cheesy, but cute, and then declarations of love and DeAnna is totally confused and doesn’t know what she’s going to do – natch. As for the boys, they go ring shopping, unsurprisingly.

Then it’s time for the final rose ceremony, and more dragging on forever and ever as they go through montages of ‘the journey’ from all three perspectives until Jason gets out of the first limo and a collective gasp goes off across the land. He gets down on one knee, and she interrupts him and says “No, I can’t” and the shock across the land deepens. She says he’s perfect and safe and dependable, but she’s in love with someone else. Naturally she’s meant everything she’s said to him, but she sends him away as he laments “I even bought a ring!” – awwwww.

Then it’s Jesse’s turn, and after a lifetime that I spent on Big Brother Houseguest reveals, he races up (after managing not to spew) and falls to his knee before her. He says they’re soulmates and the only word he thinks of when he thinks of her is ‘forever’ and he says “DeAnna Marie Pappas, will you spend forever with me?” And she says…

…ok. No shocker, here, she says yes and there’s much kissy-face afterwards. DeAnna tells him she loves him, and according to the third hour of the evening’s Bachelorette run, they announce they’re getting married on May 9, 2009. The Bachelorette is sending them to Greece for their honeymoon, and they almost had to hose Jesse and DeAnna down when they finally got to see each other in public for the first time. (Sure, they’ve seen each other in the meantime, but always hidden.)

Jason got his chance to confront her, and she says she never was in love with him like she was with Jesse, that what she wanted changed throughout the process.

Also, Matt Grant and Shayne Lamas give an update to their relationship – still going strong and they seem happy as ever and are still engaged. That’s it for this season of the Bachelorette – a fairy tale ending for all. Or at least, for Jesse.

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