She’s officially a fish.

Posted by Lessa on July 11, 2008 in family |


Or well, something like that! It’s a big day for the Pup, that’s for sure! Today, after working hard for just 7 lessons, she passed out of Level 2 swimming with flying colors! She was SO EXCITED when she got her certificate that she FORGOT to grab her CANDY in her rush to get the paper over to me to show off and tell me that she had done it! Sure, she went back for the candy, but that she forgot her sugar high for even that long? Testament to how much this means to her.

Here’s a vid of her last day in class:

In just this short of time her head bobbing free style is less bobby, and she’s starting to pick up side breathing, her backstroke is lean and strong, and she goes off the diving board with no hesitations – she even goes FIRST now instead of watching the other kids go first. I think we FINALLY found her sport. Group sports/Team sports were always a competition for attention, and now she is competing first and foremost against herself, even though she’ll be part of a team too. Even though her one great wish is to BEAT THE PANTS OFF HER COUSINS over the next year. Here’s hoping she does that at least once before the testosterone kicks off in the boys and they leave her in the dust.

Speaking of the nephews – it was another big day for D-man too! Check it out!



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