Look what just popped up!

Posted by Lessa on July 12, 2008 in CBS |

I was wandering around the new Big Brother forums at CBS.com to see how improved they were (answer: very! Many folks are complaining, but that always happens with any change. They are much faster now, at the very least!) and as I was heading elsewhere, I noticed a new little button on the Big Brother Homepage! Check it out!

Yup, that’s right, the link for the new Live TV Challenge is there! I hit the link, (you can too – tap the image above!) signed up (Painless!) and checked out the page again. The playnow link is live, but you can’t play until the start of the premiere.

I tried to download the mobile version to check that out for you all too, but it’s not available for my phone/service. Perils of living in Alaska! If one of you checks it out, let us know how it works and if it’s worth it, will ya?

There’s also some new pictures of the house floating around, with more of the same rooms. (Click to bigafy!)

The test patterns are running on the feeds, and I’ve got my BBReloader up and ready and I’m all set… are you?

And hey… is it Sunday yet?!? Two more days, folks!

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