The last CornerOfficeX Spoiler!

Posted by Lessa on July 12, 2008 in CBS |

Again, while I was pretending to listen to my trainers at a meeting this morning, CornerOffice came through for Reality BBQ and us faithful followers (and by faithful, we mean we ALWAYS credit our info, like good recappers do!) with another spoiler – his last one before the premiere! Let’s break out that loverly button and hear what he has to say!

Here’s the last set up updates before you all get caught up with the feeds.

Almost a week into the game:
The most clear pairs are Jerry and Brian, Jessie and Memphis, Libra and Keesha.
Angie, Ollie, and Steven have yet to solidly align with anyone.
Ollie and April have bonded and it’s not gone unnoticed.
April is this season’s Jessica, with a jump shot. She’s a social butterfly.
No one wakes up early to work out!
You’ll be hearing about “The 9? and “The Brawny Boys”.
The veto was used.
This cast is smart and knows the game. They’ve already figured out you don’t always evict the easiest target.

Tomorrow’s the big day! Be sure to join us here at Reality Daze tomorrow during showtime on the East Coast – I’ll be typing my fingers off to recap the show as it plays for those like me who would have to wait another 4 hours to see it. I best get to those finger limbering exercises and kiss my kids goodbye for the summer, right?! WHOO!

And also, JER-RY! JER-RY! JER-RY!


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