Posted by Lessa on July 13, 2008 in CBS |

-:35 We’re almost there, ya’ll! I’m just setting up the post, getting ready to cover the East Coast viewing of Big Brother 10. I’m hanging over with Bobby’s crew at JustTVNuts, and am hoping I’m not too much out of practice doing the recap thing. Heh. I’ll update this post right here every commercial after the show starts, so refresh every few minutes or so to find the newest content. Here we go guys – WHOO! Don’t forget the BBGame Live, too! SO MANY THINGS to do!

-:05 Alrighty, here we go! I’ve got the Live TV Challenge on the laptop (but no promise to keep up with it. *L*), BB East Coast here on the desktop, and I’ve done my finger limbering exercises – let’s get this party started!

:00 Tonight, for the first time, the men and women are all strangers! Get ready to meet them, welcome to Big Brother 10! Julie is looking lovely in red, and This is the big brother house – Tonight, 13 will enter the house (shot of memory wall has 14 frames, the center frame is the BBLogo)

This summer, they’re all complete strangers, for the first time since big brother 3 – they haven’t met prior to tonight. They all have one thing in common – the desire to win. The competition will begin before they enter the house, before they speak, she’ll tell us more later.

BUT FIRST! They were each surprised with their key to the BB House. Jerry, this big brother fan is not the typical houseguest! He’s gonna kick some butt.

April “Knows how to handle men”
Dan “The other houseguests are going to get schooled.”
Libra “A mother, like no other. My family is most important and what they think.”
Renny “Ready and you can’t start the party without me.”
Ollie “This preacher’s son is ready to let lose!”
Steven “I’m gonna hang on till the end. No fear of competition.”
Brian “I don’t like to lose.”
Memphis “Street smarts and charm, potent cocktail”
Angie “ready for a fresh start!”
Keesha “I know how to work it”
Jessie “Going to crush the competition”
Michelle “Don’t mess with this east coast girl – if I can handle my family, I can handle anything!”

They all get their hour to pack, as Libra gives last minute instructions, Keesha plans on flirting, Mephis admits to being a hustler, Steven feels women love gays and will win their hearts because of that. April is perfect and concered with a messy house. Ollie promises not to embarass his family. There’s tears as Jerry says goodbye, and Libra kisses her kids one more time before heading off.

Now that we’ve met them, let’s bring them out. They’re all in front of the house for the traditional greeting. Look around you, you could find your best friend, or worst enemy. Ultimately each of you is on your own. Hope your ready, because the game begins right now. You will choose the head of household before anyone moves into the house. Laughter all around – they will all vote for the first HOH right now. All you have to go on is their appearance and their gut instinct. Without talking, go to a numbered voting station.

One is about to become HOH,the most powerful position in the house. They open the folder, and vote for the houseguest they want as HOH, and they can’t vote for themselves. The vote is cast, but will remain a mystery for now. It’s time to move in! First five are REnny, Dan, Angie, Jessie and April.

Time for the squeals and rush to the bedrooms! They’re quieter then most, and Dan is not a pink guy, or a peace and love guy, so he was ll for the black and red room, he’s a little sinister. REnny is in the 70s room, and says that it reminds her of her old car.

Libra, Brian, Keesha and Memphis are next. Folks are introducing themselves, and Renny is loud and proud. Brian says everyone was nice when they first came in, but that’s because no one knew who the HOH was.

Steven, Jerry, Michelle and Ollie enter next, and Jerry is laughing at them putting “This old man in there with all the young kids.” April voted for Renny and is already having second thoughts. Angie says she’s made rude comments and doesn’t even know she’s being rude. Ollie says he doesn’t drink because he grew up in a conservative family.

Time for the introduce yourself section, and Jerry is first. Keesha says she voted for him because he looked nice and sweet. Keesha is the hooters girl, Libra talks about her kids, and tells us her one twin is black, one is white, and Ollie and April mimic what they must look like. Steven doesn’t reveal he’s a bull rider, or gay, he wants them to know him as Steve. Renny’s draw may want me to stab myself soon. Jessie says she’s annoying. Dan says that some things might go down that contradict his faith, but he’ll just go to confession afterwards and take care of it. Dan says he sees a lot of himself in Brian, and wants to allign and do damage. Memphis is not a bartender, but a chef for alcoholics.

Ollie says April has pretty blue eyes, and the Lord has blessed her and “he ain’t talking about her sneezing, either!” And now it’s the “boobs are real” section that we’ve already seen, and Gerry cops himself a feel and gets high fives all the way around. He tells us they’re very real “Very very real!” Renny was shocked that he did it, he’s a father and she thought it was inappropriate.(!) Jerry gives the toast and calls them a great great bunch of kids and says he loves them all ready.

:18 Commercial. WHEW! I’m out of practice! *L* (So far, I’ve missed a couple questions on LIve Play – I’m 4/10 and 92/225)

:22 welcome back! The HOH may have been chosen, let’s advise the houseguests right now. Julie says hell, and says But First – they’re about to compete in their first competition, the honor is a classic. They divide into two groups, and decide who will be sitting out. Jessie offers, and sits out. He tells us he doesn’t want to seem a threat. Memphis was confused and would have fought to play. They divide up and put Jessie in the green chair. They have to go to the storage room, get their gear on, and meet Julie in the back yard.

Red vs. White, and outside there’s two upside down VW bugs, and two classic cars – Jessie sits in one of the car, and here’s the first competition – up for grabs is one of the classic cars – Jessie is STUNNED and says he’s going to cry, and he’ll never self nominate anything ever again. The competition is called bugging out. They have to work together to get everyone inside the vintage bugs, then pull themselves from one side to the other, transferring gas cans. Each time they hit the road, one houseguest must get out, and that person is eliminated from the competition. When only one is left, the other houseguests can help move it.

The car isn’t the only thing at stake – the winning team eats, the losing team eats slop. Jessie gets to eat food no matter what. Start bugging out! Everyone runs for the car, and start piling in as people are already trying to figure out who will be jumping out and staying in. Memphis doesn’t have a car and wants to win. Ollie wants to win it for his brother. Steve says his truck blew up the day before he left for Big Brother. Red Team gets their first one and starts back for an early lead, Renny is kicked out for the Red Team of the bug, she wasn’t pulling and was being stepped on and complaining. LIbra drops for the White team. Libra starts cheering them on, as Michelle drops for the red team, and they’ve got a big lead. Keesha drops for the white team.

Red team is one full lap ahead, Jerry (white) takes a fall, and Dan doesn’t want the car and the target. Red is back, Memphis and Steve RPS for who stays, Steven knows they don’t have time, he jumps out, Red Team wins! Memphis wins the first comp of the season and the Classic Car! He screams “I didn’t have a car, now I have a car!” And the white team is on slop.

April is afraid for Jerry on Slop, and Memphis chooses the 69 Camaro. Up next, the first HOH will be revealed!

:30 Commercial!

:33 Welcome back to BB10 – the battle has begun. Before they entered, they chose a HOH based only on first impressions, how will they react? Let’s find out! Hello houseguests, it’s time – with 3 votes, finishing second, Renny. And with 4 votes the first HOH of BB10 is Jerry! Cheers all around! But Jerry, there’s great responsibility, and in less then 24 hours you must nominate 2 houseguests for eviction. Dundundun… Goodnight houseguests!

Jerry says that it gives him the pick of litter of who he wants to play with. Dan says it’s game on, and wants to get who he wants nominated on the block. He says he needed one person to trust, and thinks Brian will be really ussful, and they’re already talking about alliances and brining someone else in. They talk to Ollie next, and they sneak off to chat in the bathroom. Brian brings him in and Ollie is completely in, and they want to stay tight and trust each others. Ollie gives his word, and Dan says he looked in his eyes and knew he was good.

:37 Who wants to see the HOH room? YAY JERRY! There’s my Beer Chant! Hahaha! Jer-ry! The room is amazing, and they have his USMC blanket, and pictures of him and his wife when they were 20 years old, as well as a lot of other family pictures. Awwww… Jerry says he’s found the young kids to be open and welcome and says he’s got a good chance to play the game hard and staying long.

Jessie heads to bed early to a lullabye, and the others follow, until Renny wakes up everyone and says the door is locked and she can’t get out. Jessie says she decided to yell and scream that the door was locked – it of course, isn’t. Jessie says that there’s no off switch, and he woke up and says all he could hear was “that jackle laugh”. He knew everyone would be loud the first night but she took it to the extreme, and pissed him off. He confronts her in the bathroom, and she tells him to lighten up. She says she’s sorry, Jessie says he doesn’t think she understands “how old are you, 140?”

Renny says he’s such a baby and she’d be embarrased if he was her son, and she’s gonna give him her cotton balls. haha!

:41 Commercial! Live play game – I’m 3rd in the room of 10, and 111 of 309. Whoo! And that’s with missing some questions while typing. Heh.

:44 And we’re back – and Renny is putting on a wig. Heh. Love the circus type music! The guys say she freaks them out, and are laughing. She of course joins them. (Dan, Memphis, Steve) Memphis says her elevator doesn’t go all the way up to the top.

Whispering in the storage room between Brian and Dan, and they’re going to talk to Jerry. If he asks for names, they’re going to suggest Jessie and Renny. They start talking about the game. Jerry says his impressions of Brian being in the service means he’s trustworthy. Jerry says if he’s interested in playing with him, they have to commit right now. They use an x if they want to talk. He wants to call them the x-factor. Brian says he’ll keep him around until he starts to sink. They start talking about noms – Jerry brings up Memphis for winning the first competition, Brian asks that they keep Dan off the block, and Jerry says they can pull him in.

Brian brings up Jessie and Renny, and Jerry says Renny would scream at him, and he wants to get conflict out of there, and Brian says he’s in. Nomination time!

Renny says the BB house is getting first hand experience of Renny, she hopes everyone likes her. Jessie says he feels safe, hopes his physique doesn’t handicap him, it’s a big target. Brian feels safe, it’s waiting to see what JErry is going to do – is he going to do what he asked, does his word mean what he says it does. Jerry says the choice is a nasty experience and he’ll feel bad about it, but he has to play by the rules.

:49 Commercial!

:52 It’s time for the nomination ceremony! They gather around the table, and Jerry gives the typical speech, and asks that they keep in mind they elected him, and it’s hard to decide who should stay, who should go. Key order: Michelle, Angie, Memphis, Libra, April, Brian, Steven, Keesha, Ollie, Dan.

Jerry says he’s chosen Jessie and Renny, because there was conflict the night before, and rather then let it fester, he’d put it on everyone else tod ecide who goes. Jessie says he wouldn’t be in the situation if it weren’t for Renny, voicing his opinion bit him in the butt. Renny says Jessie – that little weasel, game is on, he’ll need muscles. Jerry says those two will self destruct, he’s proving he can play the game and will walk around clean. Brian says it proves that he can trust Jerry.

Who will win the POV and will it be used? Find out Tuesday!

:56 and we’re clear! We end with Renny saying Jessie acts like a baby. *L* Nice!

And – in the Live TV Challenge, I ended up 3rd in my group (Public Group 2) with a score of 7750 (94th of 354 players) and earned 775 AirPlay points! I’d have ROCKED it if I would have quit forgetting about it. *L* How did you do?

What are your first impressions of the houseguests? Love em? Hate em? What about Renny and Jessie? Who will be shown the door? Dish, my darlings!

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1 Comment

  • Bobby says:

    Thanks for posting my link….
    I wanted to tell you I broadcast
    The Mole – ABC
    The Bachelorette – ABC
    The Bachelor – ABC
    Big Brother 10 – CBS
    America’s Got Talent – NBC
    Hell’s Kitchen – Fox
    Celebrity Circus – NBC
    So You Think You Can Dance – Fox

    among other show if people request them or they are top rated

    Thanks Again,

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