First, second and third impressions…

Posted by Lessa on July 14, 2008 in CBS |

Dude. This group is playing the game hot out of the gate – I don’t recall anyone else in my whole 2 seasons of feed watching seeing them so into the intrigue this fast. CornerOffice was right – these guys know the game, though they are making some mistakes – but really it’s fun as hell to watch.

Even as people say they’re best friends and gonna keep their integrity and that makes them the enemy. Ha. Too funny!

So, after watching and listening in all morning and afternoon, the alliances are starting to fall into place. I’ll put it after the cut!

Libra, Keesha, April, Ollie, Michelle: Michelle is the bottom rung of this five, Ollie fourth, but the other three are tight, tight, tight. I also think that Michelle is the one that won POV, which started the big upset and got Brian put on the block.

Also working with them is Jessi and Memphis, The Brawny Boys, though they’re also working with the above group to get Brian out of the house.

Dan and Brian are together of course, and Steve, I think – and possibly Angie. Ollie joined them, then joined the other group, and apparently Brian tried to get several side deals, including one with Jerry, and got caught, which is why the plan changed and his butt is now on the block. This leaves Dan out in the cold once Brian is gone, unless he can work some magic with the other boys.

Renny – She’s been surprisingly laying low. After the introduction to her on the show last night, I expected her to be wild and in your face all the time. Apparently being put on the block calmed her down and she’s dialed it back a lot. She may think she’s in with Libra and the rest of the VWvan room, but they want her out before jury house.

Jerry, He’s also on he outside looking in, as I figured he would be. He might not make the jury, unless he can get a core group that keeps him on the powerside. Angie is also laying low, and not really declaring a side up front for anything.

Steve is playing all sides, and not very well. Not sure how he’s going to last if e keeps it up. I’m kinda hoping that Dan gets the next HOH and shakes up some of the groups, just for fun. *grin* Everyone knows the first alliance ya make in the first couple days always fails…

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