Good Morning, Hamsterwatchers!

Posted by Lessa on July 14, 2008 in CBS |

How goes it? I’ve just woken up, and there’s already strat talking going on as there was last night too after I crashed, so I’m going to do my best to get it all collected and placed here for you shortly! Houseguests that stay up late AND get up early? Holy hell.

Alrighty – a catch up report on the way – watch this space!

So – after the cut in case it gets spoilery – for those that don’t like to know before the networks show…

MOMENT’S after I went to bed lat night – I mean, less then thirty minutes later, we get our first makeout session of BB10. Can you guess who? Can ya?

Yup – April and Ollie were kissing and cuddling, and as usual, other’s are quick on the record button for us, this time xx2000xx:

Now that I have THAT out of my system, I wanted to like Steven, I really did! I mean, he’s the token gay and I always start out wanting to like them, but alas, he can be really offensive. It started out with something I just kinda brushed off at first – Libra was being pushy and overbearing and he went off on how “That colored girl don’t control anything!” Come on Brian… really? It seems his prejudices are beginning to flow freely right off the bat, and now there’s no doubt what they are.

He wasn’t done there, either. He continued his over the top offensive mimicing of the houseguests in a voice that’s just… yeah. Sigh. If he wants me to keep pulling for him, he best clean up his act, seriously! At least he’s trying to keep Brian in there, which makes me happy – because I am getting the feeling that kid got snowed, big time, and I liked his stories last night, he amuses me.

The houseguests finally hit the sheets for good at about 4am, and got a wakeup call just after 9am.

Jerry talked to Jessie and explained his being put up wasn’t personal – sounds like he trying to rope him in to get rid of Brian, because he used their military backgrounds to bond and Jerry’s taking all the heat for what Brian wanted to do, he was alligning with everyone.

[aside: Last night at one point Brian asked Dan/Steven/Angie what the ‘limit’ for alliances was, because you know, he had two, and that was apparently over the top. Everyone was laughing about it, saying he really had 47.]

Ollie and Memphis have a brief talk to see if everyone is going to stick to the plan, Memphis says yes. Said plan seems to be Brian, Dan, Renny, Jerry are the first four to go, and one of “the 8” need to win HOH. General consensus is that everyone is annoyed with Libra and her bossy ways, and then Brian and Ollie talk about who flipped the plan to get him on the block. Brian says Libra was the fuel on the fire, she ran around and confronted the Colonel (Jerry). Ollie points out its he said she said, and she probably doesn’t think people are annoyed. They agree she’s the wild card.

Basically, Brian said Jerry was his puppet, but said it to the wrong people, they all got together “The 8” and went to Jerry and did the same thing, used him to get what they wanted. Keesha says that everyone feels threatened, Jerry is demanding they do what he wants, but she gave her word and she has to stick to that.

People had gotten suspicious of Ollie/Dan/Brian being together all the time and if the POV ceremony had been just 12 hours earlier, Memphis would have been the replacement nom. Ollie’s switch to the ‘other side’ was to cover his own ass. Brian says he understands – but he’s not going to lay down and die.

And so it continues… Libra is running around making the rounds – she reminds me of Joe BB8, and we all know how well that turned out. She’s confronted Brian in front of everyone, to make sure he knew that there was more then just her ‘in the meeting’, then she was just talking with Jessie, and he’s telling her that Brian isn’t stupid, and thinks he has six votes. They pull Keesha in, to be sure they’re on the same page and getting Brian out. She says she’s not stupid, and that she’s on board, Libra is flustered about it all and decides to take a nap.

Jerry and Michelle are upstairs talking about the whole deal, and where the alliances are. They’ve been calling Dan the Mole, because he’s digging for information. Holy hell people – So many conversations, I can’t even keep up with who’s aligned with who!

Now its Ollie, Jessie and April in the Spa room, discussing votes and how it’ll fall, and what Libra had told him about her confronting Brian in the kitchen. Apparently Brian said that if he could get four votes, Jerry would break the tie in his favor – Jerry denies this, and Libra says that he lied to her about it, and when confronted Brian changed the wording to ‘I said hope’ or something to that effect. April says Steven is really smart, but playing the ‘dumb gay guy’… they confirm the targets once again. Brian, Dan, Renny, Jerry.

These guys are playing hard, right out the gate ya’ll! If you don’t have the feeds, what are you waiting for?! Go get them!

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