The first night on the feeds…

Posted by Lessa on July 14, 2008 in CBS |

First things first – I started a gallery collection – have to do something with all the extra shots that I accumulate, hm? A new page every so often so it doesn’t get too gawdawful slow – but clicky over there *points to the right* for any random shots I grab (and trust me, I’m very random!).

The houseguests seem like one big happy family… but there’s strife a growin’, fo’ sho’! Gonna put this stuff after the cut, so folks who don’t want to know don’t have to.

We started the night with a crazy run around the house when the houseguests were told we were live at last. It was entirely too cute. Don’t believe me? Check it! ReporterX was quick on the button, as always.

Apparently this first stint of slop ended tonight, on day 5 – a short week. The houseguests indulged like crazy as of midnight when they finally got to eat, mounds of food, the alcohol that Libra made them horde, and many hugs and cheers and orgasmic chomping sounds.

Who are our alliances?
Seems that Jerry decided that Brian was double crossing him with other alliances, either because it was truth, or a lie/story possible perpetuated by Michelle. Dan and Brian are UPSET about it, but trying to keep it cool. Brian is positive he’s leaving, not Renny. In their group:

Dan, Brian, Steven, Keesha, Angie.

Libra may have been with them at first, but now seems to be positive that she was the one that ‘made a powermove this morning’ which may or may not be the renom of Brian. In doing so, plus her controlling demands and rationing of the alcohol and the way food is put away/handled, she’s pissed off many, though everyone has put a smile on top of it, and she’s pretty unaware of it all. At least she’s a good cook – as is Angie.

April Libra and Ollie are apparently together, as are Jessie and Memphis. Not sure where the others all stand.

Tuesday’s fake rumor day – ala Dan, Brian and Steve. Heh.
Brian: Tuesday is fake rumor day!
Dan: haha!
Brian: did you see the schitzo meds in her drawer?
Steve: really?!?
Brian: See how easy it is?

Libra and Angie just had a moment, bonding over family and stuff and Libra had a good cry as she was wishing that her grandma was in the same kind of shape as Jerry. They all got teary, and I was all aw – right up until Libra had to go inside and tell everyone she had had a teary emotional moment. Kinda cheapened it.

I thought that I’d hate Keesha? But you know, I kinda like her. She is open and friendly, and people talk to her, and sure she talks a lot but – I dunno. I kinda like her. Love Steve, natch. Jessie’s still a meathead. Renny’s been quiet, watching everyone, and then disappeared – must have gone to bed early. I’m surprised to see Jerry still up at almost 2am. Libra is still bitching about the alcohol. Heh.

Outside, it’s getting to know Angie time with Brian, Dan and Steve, then funny stories, including one that was very funny from Brian – if they boot him, I’ll be sad. SAD SAD SAD. But it’s now 2:45AM BB Time, and they’re still chatting and such? But this chica must go to bed. So Ill catch up tomorrow with more randomosity.

So far, though, love love LOVE these houseguests – even the ones I already kinda hate. BB10 is gonna be GOOD. So mote it be.

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