Another one bites the dust..

Posted by Lessa on July 15, 2008 in rd, The Mole |

The first mission on this weeks return of The Mole has Jon making them separate into 3 runners and 3 thinkers. Mark, Clay and Alex are runners, and Mark is declared the best. Nicole, Craig and Paul are thinkers, and Paul claims the best communicator spot because he’s loud. Nice. They have to find 7 bottls of win in the bigass vineyard, each worth 10k for the pot. To find them, the thinkers are given puzzles, the answer they choose gives them coordinants, Paul relays the info to Clay and Alex who uses a GPS to find them. What about Mark? Well, he has to walk/run on the tredmill until the end of the challenge. Each bottle found increases the speed, and if he stops the challenge is over. He can help with the questions, but Paul can’t. And they’re off.

53 minutes later, and mostly right riddle answers with a couple of corrections and a very steady but tired Mark, and they’ve added $70k to the pot.

The next mission is at a bridge over a gorge. They’re 90 feet high, and will be bungee jumping and attempting to hit a target below to get more money for the pot. They also – after walking to the edge of the plank – have to guess how much they’ll earn as a group, and the closest without going over gets an exemption.

Only one person hits the target, Alex, and they get a whole $4k to add to the pot. No one is safe tonight. Nicole finally writes in her journal, and giggles. I kinda hate her. We’re being lead to believe through editing that she’s going home, so I’m pretty sure she won’t be. They take the quiz, and Paul says he won’t change his game till there’s only 5 people left, Mark thinks it’s weird that Craig barely tries in missions yet no one ever gets upset, Craig noticed he has more notes on Mark then anyone, and Nicole is pretty sure no one knows what’s going on so will just be the quickest on the quiz.

The execution is quick and… Alex is going home. The rest of the contestants have their mouths hanging open, stunned. Everyone must have thought it was him!

So have you figured out who the Mole is yet?


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