BB10: Good Morning, Feed Freaks!

Posted by Lessa on July 15, 2008 in CBS |

I ended up in bed early last night, and darn it all if I didn’t miss some hilarity! When I last left the houseguests, Jerry and Angie had hugged it out and gotten their little tiff resolved, and there was no game talk going on, just general chitchat. I’ve not quite gotten onto my BB Sleep Pattern, so there will be a few hiccups over the next week while I get used to surviving on 4 hours a night again. Seriously – houseguests that stay up late AND get up early? Harumph.

The biggest thing I missed last night, aside from Michelle trying to sleep with Jessie, and giving up and Jessie talking a bit about his travels and such, was the Sock Puppet Show. Brian, Angie, Memphis, Dan and Steve decided to make sock puppets, and do a performance, in the diary room. I….can’t even explain it all, or how funny it is. Luckily, I don’t have too, because BBDish folks have that button pushing vid capture DOWN. Check it out!

And then, afterwards, Brian and Dan connect again, and the whole sock puppetshow was about votes – if it works? It’d be FANTASTIC. Come on, houseguests! You know you want him to stay! Well, except the party poopers who are offended by anyone spending half a second with Brian. *L*

FYI! I’ll be in and out all day today, I’ll be here for a partial as it happens recap during the show tonight, but leave with about 15 minutes to go, and will finish it later. Of course, we already know what will happen, as it’s POV and POV Ceremony tonight.

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