BB10 – It's all fun and games…

Posted by Lessa on July 15, 2008 in CBS |

…until someone gets hurt. Not physically (at least, not yet! haha!) but some folks are getting awfully sensitive up in the BB house, and others just don’t know how (or when) to let it go. Sheesh. Nothing spoilery here, just good old-fashioned drama.

The houseguests decided to play charades, and Jerry was giving them the movie titles to act out. He gives Angie “Psyho” and adds that it’s perfect for her, which sends her into the house crying afterwards, because he called her psycho and everyone thinks the same and… gee, honey, that sounds a little bit psycho.

But it gets worse from there. Brian goes in to check on her, then Michelle comes in too. She asks Michelle to give her a minute, then spoke to Brian again – cue Michelle Meltdown, because clearly that was suspicious and how dare she tell her to go and keep on talking to Brian! GASP! I’ve always said the BB house is like high school, and they keep on proving me right. She confronts Michelle – after catching her outside laughing while smoking a cigarette, that bitch! – and keeps on going and going and going about how offended she was with being told to go then someone else being allowed in.

….I know.

Jerry just now went and apologized, though it was in his typical gruff way and how could she think he’d think that of her or want to hurt her it was a game… he sounded angry that she’d dare take it that way. She accepted the apology, and he went upstairs to cool off. heh. Angie has just joined him and explained it more and they’re quite and alone and it’s going much better. Paranoia does funny things. He was hurt that she thought he’d hurt her, and she didn’t want him to know about it at all because she knew it was crazy.

Vaguely spoiler stuff after the cut!

The thing that amuses the hell out of me is that this group has decided that anyone who sits next to Brian and talks to him is automatically suspect and going against ‘the plan’ to oust him on Wednesday. He’s been nothing but respectful and calm since they put him on the block, and people are acting like he’s the devil and still working all these plans. NO EVER SHOULD LAY DOWN AND DIE before an eviction. Brian is pretty resigned, it is a pretty unified house against him, but that doesn’t mean he needs to stop talking to everyone. And it doesn’t mean that anyone who talks to him.

Jessie, Jerry and Michelle are all sick of him walking around like he’s king of the hill, like his shit don’t stink. Um, he’s on the block, everyone’s said he’s going home, he’s handling it GRACEFULLY and isn’t starting any drama…. Let the kid enjoy his last days for heaven’s sakes! Man, where’s Sheila – we could use her to Flip The House Like THAT (snap)! That’d serve them right!

Another alliance, btw – Jessie and Michelle, not sure if it’s a trio with Memphis or not. Michelle is quickly starting to drive me nuts with her drama and beating a situation into the ground. Her and Libra both!

Either way- if you haven’t gotten the feeds, what are you waiting for? Get em! You know you wanna!

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