BB10: Tuesday Recap!

Posted by Lessa on July 15, 2008 in CBS |

-1:10 Setting up the post! Reminder: I’ll recap right up until the time I have to leave, as I have a meeting to attend at the top of the hour. This means I’ll be cutting out a whole 15 minutes before the end of the show, but I’ll put a generalized “this is what happens” that we have gathered from the feeds, and go back with more detail when I re-watch the show later on. Because I love you all THAT MUCH. Special, you are, yes. (grin)

So – watch this space! In the meantime, I’ll be putting up another page of screen caps from the feeds, shortly. Check the sidebar for the link!

:00 Previously on Big Brother….. It’s time, kids!

:04 We start off back at the nomination ceremony, as usual, with the nomination of Renny and Jessie for eviction. Brian says the noms were 100% his idea and he expoilts the trust Jerry had in him. Jerry says it was a good opportunity, and he has an alliance with Brian loyal to the end. Renny says the incident was small, and she would have called it a big problem. Jessie says it’s not his fault, it’s Old Girls fault for running her loud ass mouth. Renny says Jessie is a punk boy, who is a young person who knows nothing of life, he hasn’t even gotten his whistle wet yet. Jessie goes up to Jerry and talks to him and Jerry says next week he’ll be up again. Renny says she still doesn’t understand, and they tell her to go up talk to them. She keeps calling it immature, while Michelle goes up to make sure Jerry is ok and needs a hug. Jerry says big boys don’t cry, and gos into a lesson about Solomon and the babies. He’s gonna make them decide.

Jessie tells us yay, the reasons make sense to Jerry, something about a baby getting ripped in half he guesses. Meanwhile Renny is calling him a weasle, and that she liked him, but he was up there talking bs, and he knows it, act like a baby. She confronts him again, he asks her what she means, and she won’t say anything and she tries to address it, and Jessie says he talked abot it the other night, and she goes off on him being immature again and that he’s no match for her because he walks away. Brian watches all of it, quietly.

:09 Brian wants to know if anyone is playing the game? He talks to Ollie and Dan and they confirm their voting plans. Renny asks Jerry if he’ll open the wine, he tells everyone to come up and party – and a group of them do go up. Most of the house it looks like. Renny decides she wants to say something, and she apologizes to Jessie in front of everyone. He points out it took a day and a half to apologize, and flashback to he apologizing that night. Hah. She shakes her head, and calls him a liar, and tells him to stop it, it was nasty, she storms out, saying that she’ll respect Jerry’s room, and when he came to her like rocky and she had no idea she’d offended him, she’d said she was sorry that night and he has a forked tongue. Hahha!

:12 Brian talks to Ollie and Michelle about Renny, who’s going to self distruct and they all know she’s going to blow up, so do they take the opportunity to take someone who has a shot at the money and let Renny destroy herself. They agree, and Brian tells us he loves this game. Cut to him talking to Angie about who the numbers game is, and offers saving him for a week, and he says Jerry is doing everything he says. Angie tells us that he’s intimidating. Cut to Brian talking to Brian – vote my way, I keep you off the block, done deal. Next up it’s time to talk to Memphis. Safety for 2-3 weeks, and I might ask you a favor at some point… Brian says Memphis isn’t going to come around.

Cut to Brian, Dan and Ollie, and Brian announces that the nominations are his, and he doesn’t see anyone had banded together on the other side, and he feels he’s calling the shots and can do whatever he wants and no one will try to take him down. Famous last words, much? Dun dun dun..

:16 Commercial!

:20 We’re back, and it’s storytelling on the couch, which consists mostly of April and Ollie flirting. April tells us they have a connection and she could see dating him. Ollie says she seems like a cool girl. It’s time to pick players for the Veto competition! Jerry picks Memphis, Renny picks Michelle, and Jessie picks April. Jerry chooses Angie as the host for the competition – tells them the sleepwear is in the storage oom, go get ready.

They come outside and it’s a giant bed with hundreds of pillows, as Jerry says he wants his noms to stand, and Renny says she wont get give up and Jessie says he needs to win. The first competition – on the giant bed is pillows that contain colored veto bears. Find the color that matches your sleepwear, tear away, climb under the bar through the sticky honey, place the bear in the jar – first with five bears wins Veto! On Go, they’re crawling through the honey and it’s DISGUSTING and hard to move through and hysterical! Everyone is on the bed and feathers are flying everywhere and Renny finally makes it to the bed – Jerry is COVERED in feathers, as he and Memphis drag themselves through the honey and Mephis has bear one. Jerry has second, and Mephis tells us the honey added a good 75 pounds. Michelle tells us she could take on all the boys together anyday. Jessie is going through pillows like crazy, as Michelle gets her second bear and hauls ass through the honey again.

Jessie finds his first bear, as Memphis takes a header, and Brian says he’s a fierce competitor and one of the strongest players in the house. April struggles through and fets her second, while Renny’s music sounds and she heads under the bar with her first bear. Oh man. She looks miserable, but they do a wave as she gets her first bear. WHOOO!

Jessie has his second bear and MIchelle has her third bear, as does Jessie – the bed is COVERED in feathers… here comes back Michelle with her fourth (I TOLD YOU GUYS JERRY DIDN’T WIN POV! TOLD YOU! Ahem. Course, I thought it was Michelle, but whatever.) Jessie heads back with his last bear, and Jessie wins POV! WHOOO! He rips off his shirt to celebrate, and it was AWESOME! *L*

Jessie tells us it was the best case scenario ever. Renny says she wanted to get a bear for herself, for america. Jerry says he has a lot to think about. Brian says he wanted Jessie to go, but it wasn’t a bad thing, someone else could go up instead that is just as advantagous.

:30 Commercial!

:33 They show another picture of the feather covered bed, then inside Brian and Dan talk about Memphis and Brian says he’ll take care of it. He goes upstairs to talk to Jerry and talks to him about Memphis and how strong he was in the competition. Jerry says that he’s going to go bananas, and they talk about what to say, and they want him to think he’s there to send Renny home.

Ollie tells Keesha, April and Libra that they have nothing to worry about. Brian comes in and says that Memphis is going home, then next week, Renny that’s his promise. He leaves the room, and Libra says he was trying to be Dr. Will and telling them what to do and mine control. She’s depply offended by that, of course. They figure it’s Ollie, Brian and Dan and April tells us that she finds it hard to believe. Then Angie, Keesha and Michelle talk, and they feel intimidated and used for as long as he can, then will pick them all off one by one.

Libra talks to April about Ollie being with Brian, and she says he hasn’t said anything. She’s pushing the fact that he’s part of the alliance, and April doesn’t want to believe it – but does. Libra says they’ll take out Memphis and Jessie because they’re the biggest threat and they have to do the dirty work. April is in tears and pissed. She’s also upset that they were going to throw her away like she’s one of the guys and she’s not. April heads to confront Ollie, calls him in the bathroom with her and Libra.

Libra confronts him and he says he’s not against them, and April feels like he’ll just drop her, and Ollie says that if she believes that its her problem. He tells us that it hurts him not to b beleaved. They go to the storage room, and the argument continues. He’s not trying to manipulate and Libra says he’s playing yes man, and that means he’s playing them all. They’re really upset at Brian. Ollie says he’s playing the game, and Ollie is trying hard to plead his case, that he’s hurt they think he’s trying to manipulate, and Libra keeps pushing. Then it turns to Brian bashing, and Libra says “I can’t believe he’s playing… omg!” And Ollie says “So flip it on him. Anyone who thinks they have that much power – pop em out.”

:40 Commercial

:45 We’re back, and in the spa Ollie is talking to Memphis, and tells him that Jery is going to put him up, that Jerry and Brian are in an alliance. Memphis tells us that reminded him he’s playing a game, and he grabs Jessie to tell him, and they say Brian’s hated by everyone and they[re being played. Next up it’s Keesha, Ollie and Libra, and they want Brian to go up, and they start talking about it, Keesha says she doesn’t want to risk it. They figure the only way it would work is to all 9 talk to Jerry at the same time. Keesha’s down for saving Renny and Memphis this way. Cue the sneaky music as they gather everyone for the upstairs ambush.

Ollie grabs Jessie and Memphis, Libra gathers Michelle and the others in the spa, while Keesha grab the girls and they try to figure out how to keep Brian outside. April asks Jerry if she can use his bathroom (LOVE THE Mission Impossible music *L*) And everyone is waiting for him outside and follow him into the HOH room, leaving Dan and Brian outside alone.

Ollie starts the meeting and lets them know that Brian has contacted everyone in the house for an alliance. Jerry holds his hand up, they say they know it’d be hard, but he’s pulling everyone into some form of an alliance, and making him do the dirty work. Jerry says either he does it their way, or not – but they’ve already formed an alliance right there. He feels threatened, Michelle takes over, and she and April swear he will not go up next week at all. He isn’t sure he trusts them at all.

:52 Commercial.

:55 Time for the Veto Meting. Jessie gets to go look pensively at the wall. He says that since he’s using the Veto they’ll see some true colors and some people will be shocked. Jerry says that he’s not wearing anything military today since he has to go back on his word and he wouldn’t embarrass the military in doing so. Brian is cocky and sure that Jerry will do what he told him to do. Jessie calls the ceremony into order.

Renny says that she wouldn’t expect him to use it on her, doesn’t think he would and that’s all. Jessie says he’s chosen not to use the veto…on Renny, but on himself. Jerry stands, Angie is in tears, and Jerry says that it’s been hard because he’s had to alienate a few people, but he’s been informed that an alilance that he wanted to be loyal too to the end, and found out he had others, everyone got together and 8 people came to his room, and they’ve chosen who they want to be put up. He’s going to honor that, and he nominates Brian.

Brian handles it well, the silence can be cut with a knife. Dan says he’s shocked because Jerry is an stand up guy. Ollie says he broke his word, because he had to stay in the game, he’ll do anything to win. Libra says Brian was a snake all along, he was a mystery now he’s history. Brain says he was shocked, but congratulations, whoever orchastrated this made a big move, but he’s not done, he still has some tricks up his sleeve.

Who will be evicted? Find out live, tomorrow!

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