BB10: So, who's going?

Posted by Lessa on July 16, 2008 in CBS |

As we leave tonight’s show, Brian was blindsided and is on the block against Renny, as the house decides he played too hard, too fast – which he totally did. What I love about it is that he’s totally knows he got played, and isn’t bitching and moaning about it at all. Well played, Brian! Then, after last nights puppet show? I kinda love him a little. Really. Losing him would be a blow to the feeds, honestly.

He’s being very, very subtle about his bits for votes, and on the whole I’m not sure he can pull it off. There’s still time before tomorrow’s show, though, and he’s got some hard core fans working for him.

Dan is a given – he’ll vote for Brian to stay, Renny to go.Steven wants to vote for Brian to stay, is worried about going against the house, but will if he feels safe enough. He approached Angie earlier today, and asked if they could put out some feelers and get Memphis (Which gets them Jessie) and Keesha. She agreed to talk to Keesha. Angie – if she feels safe and can flip it, she will. She just now spoke to Keesha, and ended going into the DR together. When they came out, Angie went and hugged Steven and whispered in his ear. Could be Keesha’s in!

Meanwhile, Libra April and Jessie question why they went into the room together. Just now, Jerry tells Jessie that Brian is still trying to move things and causing trouble. Keesha is going to talk to Jessie as soon as she has a moment. She says it’ll never happen, but she’ll talk to him in a minute. Earlier, Memphis and Jessie were talking about the order of people they want out, Jessie mentioned wanting Renny gone still, but they were saying next week. Could they be swayed?

Lawdy this group is ALL about playing the game. Seriously! I LOVE IT.

So where do the votes fall?

Brian to stay: Dan, Steve, Angie
Renny to stay: Libra, April, Ollie, Michelle

Questions: Jessie, Memphis, Keesha

Keesha just told April and Libra that she’ll tell them everything, they just have to give her time. Hmmm. Brian needs 6 votes – he’ll have to pull Jessie, Memphis, Keesha in order to stay. If it is a tie, I’m 100% positive that Jerry will keep Renny over him. I fear our boy might still be gone unless he can work some late game magic… I don’t think he’s going to get Jessie though, because he just told Ollie that Jerry said that Brian said that Jessie was running his mouth…

Meanwhile, we have the return of Zuma Zuma – slightly different, but same ole game, sack races, spinning races, three legged races, a lot of laughter, and very few party fouls. Gotta give it to ’em, these houseguests are fun to watch!

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1 Comment

  • Mo says:

    Renny crawling slooooowly through the honey pit was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on TV!
    And then Jerry nominating that smug snake Brian was just great drama!

    Clearly, Brian played the Alpha Dog card too early – didn’t he learn anything from watching Matty last season? When you go to control the house, you put a huge bullseye on your back!
    Great post.

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