BB10: The Body's in Power…
…and oh lordy are we in for a week. “Point being” he’s been browbeating Angie for the past hour, maybe longer. Angie made a bid to keep Brian, and it’s biting her big time, and she’s trying to mend the bridges, but the group isn’t buying it. “Point being” Jessie keeps saying the same over and over again, that she screwed them, but they’re still protecting her, so she needs to decide… Angie makes the decision to stick with Jessie, Memphis and Michelle, and they KEEP BROWBEATING HER. At long last, they finally hug it out, with a promise Angie isn’t the target for the next three weeks.
So where are our alliances now? It breaks down like this:
The House vs. Steve, Dan, Renny, Jerry – in that order, though Renny/Jerry think they are part of the house.
Libra, April, Ollie and Keesha
Jessie, Memphis, Michelle and Angie
at least, I think that’s where we are at – it is only week two. Don’t forget, Brian will be with Julie on the Early Show in the morning, as well as with Gretchen and Evel Dick on Housecalls at Noon BB Time. I’l grab youtubes as soon as they come up – and I’m awake enough, of course! 🙂
Food comp tomorrow – BB is telling folks to give it up and go to bed, which means it’s time for me to go to bed too. Night ya’ll!