BB10: It's POV Comp Day! – Winner!

Posted by Lessa on July 18, 2008 in CBS |

Good Morning Feedsters and Spoiler lovers! This morning the POV Competition will be played, and we’ll get a good feel if the nominations will change. The players were picked just a while ago, and I’ll have that info as well as the POV Winner when it’s announced (I’ll change the title to include ‘winner!’ when I have it). Hit up the link after the pretty pretty spoiler button!

Last night was rather light hearted on the feeds, without a whole bunch of strategy talk going on. Dr. Dan made an appearance, analyzing Ollie and April’s showmance:

Jerry points out to Angie that the girls are mean because they’re jealous – they will self destruct. She just needs to play hard, and keep cool. She and Michelle had a heart to heart which ended up in some more beat up on Angie with a lot of ‘prove yourself to me’ thrown in.

In other news, Angie can’t with with the girls, period. They are watching her to see what she’ll do conserning Steven and Dan being on the block, how she better do the right thing and vote the way they want and send Steven home. Then they turn right around and say things like “Angie said if she wins POV, she won’t take Steven off! How selfish is that?!” Angie can’t win, and those girls are VICIOUS.’

Keesha and April are still on the outs, brought to a head last night when April showed Keesha a note that Libra had written that said “I love you!” She said that Libra had given it to her and she’s all about that, all about friends and sticking together, but she’s not trying to make her jealous or anything… turns out that Libra wrote that note TO HER HUSBAND to show it on screen, and April had just picked it up and decided to try and hurt Keesha with it. Stuck up little Barbie Bitch! (told you I’d start using that.. *L*)

This morning the POV players were picked: Jessie picked Libra, Steven and Dan play as nominees, Michelle has also been named as a player. Not sure who else it is. Ah, the last player is Keesha.

Keesha has also promised Steven her vote, and has been subtly working the girls though just now she’s telling them that ‘he’ expects her to use it on him if she wins.

And Dan just cut his nose shaving. Hahaha. (I know you wanna know!) He can be so adorable – he’s asking the girls not to laugh, but what can he put on it that’s NOT a bandaid in the middle of his face…

The girls are discussing who they would rather have in sequester with them, Renny or Jerry. Way to get ahead of yourselves, ladies. They also are bashing Jerry about his ‘old school’ ways and his talk that’s all sexual and stuff and he thinks they like it but it’s like harassment. Ladies, ladies, ladies… sigh.

I’ll update with the POV winner as soon as I get it!

Feeds are back at 2:25 BBtime, and Keesha is crying – someone keeps putting the target on her (Probably April). Jessie and Jerry are checking on her again. My feeds are cutting in and out really bad…

Not sure who won yet – Ah, Michelle won POV. Steven said she has all the power. Jessie and Keesha are talking about perceptions and not to dig herself into a hole. There was some kind of confrontation between Libra and Keesha too – more of the “if your on our side, you can’t talk to the others” kind of high school bs. It’s insane!

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