Hair dye and kitty cats…

Posted by Lessa on August 2, 2008 in this-n-that |

So. We broke out the hair dye a while ago, including the blue, and set the blue jar on the counter in the bathroom like usual, and thought no more about it. There were jokes of dying the cats for fun, but naturally I said no, and there would be none of that to MY kitty cats. Laughter all around.

But we didn’t account for said kitty cats. One in particular. Annabelle.

You see, she decided she wanted to lay down exactly where that darn bottle was on the counter. So she batted it. And rolled it. And discovered the lid was loose, and batted it some more, and then got bored and laid down to sleep on the countertop.

Right. In the puddle. Of Blue. Hair. Dye. she had created. Ace went one step further, and just stuck his foot Right. Into. The. Bottle.

The Boy got his wish, I suppose, as we now have cats with blue streaks. Heh.heh.heh.



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