
Posted by Lessa on August 18, 2008 in family |

…the first week of having 18 gazillion blogs to work on didn’t kill me. It made me stronger! HA! or something. In the midst of that, someone (Hi Sarah!) asked for details – you can find some more of them over here, with more to come shortly, as there’s been.. well, a development. Heh. So stay tuned for that. Yup.

(Um, someone go make sure the Nana didn’t hurt herself when she fainted, there, huh? cuz I didn’t mean it that way! not THAT kind of development!)

Then, on Friday, I took a bit of a break because I had a Very Important Visitor. It’s been over a year since I’ve seen him, and I got to spend a full 24 hours cementing myself as the Best! Aunty! Ever! a role that I am completely comfortable with. Just ask the nephews and niece that live around the corner!

We did have a clash of wills at one point, but as that poor baby learned (just like oh so many before him) – I dated his father, a McD man. I married his uncle, a McD man. AND I gave birth to a McD boy. NO ONE can out stubborn me. It was a lesson that took about 45 minutes of screaming (him) and a strong embrace (me) coupled with calm soft words (also me) and an infinite amount of patience for the little guys (stop laughing mom, that too was me!) until he realized something that all the McD men eventually have to admit…

I win.

Lucky for them, I’m usually right, too. (grin) Even so, we had a lovely day together, and I hope that he is allowed to come and visit again. I even had the Buglet come to spend the night too, so that he had a playmate about his own age. They had a little while of jealousy over the Auntie, but then they settled into playing like boys should – ie: fighting and making up and playing and infinite questions of “Where’s my friend?” followed by “OH! there he is!”

They even agreed that there was enough Auntie Lessa lap for the both of them. See?

So thanks, ya’ll for letting him come spend some time with us – let him come again soon!



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