Well, THAT was fast…

Posted by Lessa on August 18, 2008 in Communication, Dating |

So, remember a whole three days ago when I posted here about the first girlfriend, and also, first kiss? Well, it seems that it wasn’t a match made in heaven. Give me a moment while I mourn. Ok, I’m done!

It seems that C wanted to talk, and in the interest of ‘preserving their friendship’ she was already ready to let this whole Dating My Son thing go. The Boy is actually handling it fine, he just shrugged and was pretty “whatever” about the whole thing. It was, after all, only a few days. This opened up some fun conversations though as we talked through it on the way to his friends house. To give you an idea of just how irreverent a mother I am, here’s how it went.

Me: So, you ok?
(Note: This is not the irreverent part. I’m not THAT heartless.)
Him: Yeah, I’m fine.
Me: Think maybe she got spooked by Z and B’s breakup and how they’re not really friends anymore?
Him: s’possible. She didn’t really say. She just wants to be sure we stay friends.
Me: Guess that’s ok. NOT Friends with Benefits though.
Him: But MOOOOOOOOOOM! (chuckle, chuckle)
Me: school starts wednesday though. Lots of new girls. Without boyfriends.
Him: yeaaaaaaah. (smirky grin that I love so much – because it’s just like mine.)

Me: You know, I think the NEXT time you get a girlfriend, you should at least be able to take her out on an official date before she breaks up with you.
Him: Yeah, that’d probably be best.
Me: Unless the kissing is just REALLY that bad…
Him: (…blush.)
Me: I meant YOUR kissing, by the wa….OW! What was THAT for?!
Him: because.
Me: harumph. Fine. We won’t discuss the quality of your kissing then. Whatever.

Me: You know, your papa will be disappointed.
Him: Why?
Me: he had a whole bunch of jokes ready with her name.
Him: awww. I’ll find him another good one.

(A car speeds by, with a couple girls waving at him – he was driving during these conversations, did I not mention that? Driving lessons will be covered another day. When my heart resumes normal speed.)

Me: someone you know?
Him: Nope. Someone I might wanna know.
Me: You’ve been broken up for THREE WHOLE HOURS… and you’re ALREADY trolling?
Him: what can I say..
Me: You DOG you. Your daddy would be SO proud.
Him: I know, huh?
Me: (groans.) I’m doomed. DOOMED!
Him: heh.heh.heh.

So there you have it. A prime example of how to talk to your teenagers. Well, if your kids are my kids, anyway. And if you were me… ok – so this is just an example of the kind of tomfoolery that happens even when we talk of semi-sensitive matters.

Just wait till you see how I handled THE talk…

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