It’s time

Posted by Lessa on August 20, 2008 in this-n-that |

Time for that all important BACK TO SCHOOL celebration. I’m going to go take a nap. Heh.

Ok, now that’ I’m back, I’ll rub the sleep out of my eyes and post the obligatory first day pictures (both teenagers were NOT HAPPY about it…).

8-20-08_FirstDayBoy 8-20-08_FirstDayGirly

I demand to know who thought it was ok for my kids to become teenagers – and be in high school at the same time? Let’s get this straight people, I AM NOT OLD ENOUGH FOR THIS! One was bad enough, but TWO? I demand a recount!

And then there’s this:
8-20-08_FirstDayPup 8-20-08_FirstDayPup2

Proof that she grew 42 inches taller this summer, and suddenly CARES ABOUT HER HAIR. What the hell? She’s even wearing clothing that MATCHES. Right down to her SOCKS. This had better not last… she’s only in 4th grade (How did THAT happen?!), you know!

Papateeth But now, now I have to get to work, and adjust to the silence (BLESSED QUIET!) of my home and become productive instead of just sitting here going OMG IS SO QUIET for another hour. Before I do, however, I’ll leave you with one of the best gifts my Daddy and Mommy ever gave me. Every school morning, for the past TEN years, they’ve made my kids breakfast and taken them to school. It wasn’t something I asked for, it just kind of happened out of Papa’s insistence that they were too little to walk the 100 feet to the bus stop on their own, so he’d take them. Then he had snacks, and then they quit eating at home so I quit feeding him, so he feeds them. GOOD stuff too.


This morning, Nana made French Toast Casserole, and Papa served it up. I even got a piece myself – as did the Pup’s teachers. (My kid suck up? You betcha!) And the best part of it is, I get them up, out, and I get to go back to bed for a nap. I LOVE BACK TO SCHOOL!

And if you click that picture of Papa? he’s totally sticking his teeth out at me. The kids love that too. Ew. But, you know, he feeds my kids. I couldn’t really demand a better picture. Heh.heh.heh.



  • nana says:

    guess the Pup asked PawPaw – “what’re those little red things in the French toast casserole?” A breath or two and “OH!!! I know – they’re those little RED THINGS!”

    smirk – that is exactly what they are, Pup! Little red things.

    (We ran out of cinnamon – had ALMOST enough – but added cinnamon candies for color and taste – lol)

  • nana says:

    it’s been TEN years? Oy! How that kid has grown!

  • nana says:

    btw – the hands in the pockets – he totally tried that with me when I was trying to take his picture. I told him flipping off the gramma was disrespectful – so, no pictures from my house – he followed me into the house to give me a hug but still . . . glad you got one – even if he IS flipping you and the world off.

    dunno what gets into them – I think his PawPaw taught him that trick.


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