Oh. Hai!

Posted by Lessa on September 5, 2008 in this-n-that |

I can haz post now pls?

Heh. I have not forgotten this blog – honest. Big Brother is kicking my ass still, but we’re down to the last two weeks of the season and things are starting to slow – just as Rachael Ray and Survivor are picking up, and I also have all them other ones too. So my writing has been focused elsewhere, for now.

But I thought I’d let ya’ll know I’m still alive. And yes, the whole Palin thing, whatever. I’m supposed to be all excited as an Alaskan, and really? While she gives good speech – most politicians do – I urge ya’ll to do your research on BOTH sides of the ballot before making your decision on whether this is a good choice or not. This is not a time to vote party lines just because you’ve always voted on your side of the line. Informed decisions are key – and in this day and age, it’s all on the internets at your fingertips. There’s no excuse for making an illformed opinion your personal facts.

And no, I’m not gonna tell you which side I have chosen to err on because I hate politics. I’m also not fond of my youngest daughter coming home and begging me not to vote for one or the other because of things she had told her on the school bus. She’s in FOURTH GRADE. I’m all for opinions, but can a fellow grade-schooler really have done his research? Or is he just overwhelmed by the speeches he’s watched, and his parents opinion? Either way, it doesn’t matter. I told the pup that I understand her concern with who I choose to vote for, and promised to make it an informed decision – and that she cannot, under any circumstances, believe everything she hears. It takes time and research, and consideration of all the issues, not just “Well (so and so) told me this, so please mommy don’t ever vote that way!”

That’s just one step shy of the scare tactics that the politicians themselves use. So, I implore you. Do your research. Find out where they – ALL of them – stand on the issues that are important to you and the well being of your family. Learn all that you can. View their track records, and for the love of all things American, think before you push that button or pull the handle on your vote.

Thank you.

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