Saturday PSAs!

Posted by Lessa on September 6, 2008 in PSA |

This past week I received a couple of emails that let me know about a couple opportunities for our Teens. It’s important to help them get involved in the community, to be aware of those around them in a way they haven’t been before. Sure, we can’t FORCE them to do anything, but we can at least nudge them in the right direction from time to time. Here’s a couple of sites to check out:

Holly contacted me about The League, which encourages parents and teens to spend time together by giving back. According to Holly, The LEAGUE is a school and web-based system that provides the tools and resources to teach students about giving, service and civic engagement. Right now, The League is gearing up for their One Day serve-a-thon to kick off this year’s events.

Holly explains: “The LEAGUE’s ONE DAY Event is a “servathon” where students identify, organize and plan a service project that meets a need in their community, and sign up friends and family to sponsor them (if they choose) in advance. Students can create their very own service project such as visiting seniors, tutoring peers, or cleaning up neighborhoods.” The One Day event runs September 17th thru October 8th.

Check out their website, The League Worldwide, for more information.

Next up, Matt sent me a cute little note, assuring me that I won’t be as nervous about this driving thing in as little as 3 or 4 years. Thanks for the encouragement, there, Matt! He also wanted to let us know about the new public awareness campaign about teenage steroid use from the AD Council. This campaign is called “Don’t be an Asterisk” – as those known to have used steroids on competition lists are marked with – you guess it – an asterisk.

Matt explained: “Whether it is a potential college scholarship or just helping the team win, some feel pressure to do whatever it takes to get an “edge”, even if it means taking steroids or other illegal substances.

The PSA is below, and I encourage you to check out the website, Don’t be an Asterisk, for more information.

Thanks Holly and Matt for letting me know about your projects and causes! I’m glad to help get the word out. If anyone else has a program they want me to check out, please use the contact me button over there under the ‘about site’ link on the right. Thanks!

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