Drama, drama, drama…

Posted by Lessa on October 1, 2008 in Extra Curricular Activities |

– First off, the 3rd place winner of the Giveaway hasn’t gotten a hold of me yet, so Amanda Sue in fourth place, check your email. You can give me your choice of the last two books, and I’ll hold on to the remaining one for Pamela when she answers her email. I hope to get them all out by Friday. Thanks again for participating, and to Phenix & Phenix for donating the books to give away! –

Now. Drama. This time, though, I don’t mean of the teenage angsty sort – or at least not yet. It seems my daughter decided to try out for the upcoming play put on by the Drama Club. I cannot TELL you how giddy this makes me! Of all the extra activities that my kids have participated in, the one I was beginning to figure I’d have to wait for my youngest to hit high school to participate in was Drama. Thus, I am thrilled beyond belief that not only did she try out, but she got a part her first try out of the gate! MK, her BFF (and The Boy’s GF) got a part as well, so they’re happily over at the school rehearsing today.


In case it’s not abundantly clear – I was a drama geek in high school. I only attended public school for my last two years of high school, the same school that my two oldest are attending now. The idea of clubs and such was pretty foriegn to me, as in the tiny private schools I attended, we were more apt to have “Learn 50 Bible Verses in 50 Days” instead of “put on costumes and pretend to be someone else for a while” activities. Unless of course, we were putting on costumes to pretend to be Moses. or Jesus. You know how it goes.

One of the best high school memories I have, though, is the year the Drama Club went to New York City for a week. We raised money, we held events, we pooled our pennies, and something like 18 of us were wisked away from small town Alaska to the Big Apple. NYC will never be the same! We saw 4 Broadway plays – one of which resulted in the eventual firing of our Drama Club Teacher, because the parents didn’t approve of our just up and going to see Le Cage Aux Folles, when we got the chance. We loved it, of course, but the parents? not so much. I think my mom is STILL upset at Ms. W for that one! We also saw Cats – on Broadway. It was, quite simply, AMAZING. We also saw I’m Not Rappaport, and Big River. We did a TON of sight seeing, walking, and general ooohing and ahhing at buildings bigger then we ever dreamed. We went to the top of the Twin Towers, we hit the top of the Eiffle Tower, we hit the Crown in the Statue of Liberty. For a group of kids from a tiny town where the biggest building was 2 stories tall, a town that had just gotten it’s very first traffic light – it was a VERY. BIG. DEAL.

Now, I don’t know if my kid will be able to take a trip like that, if they even still do trips like that for the Drama club, but I do know that when the curtain rises on her very first play and every play therafter, I’ll be there, Video Camera in hand, cheering loudly for my kid(s).

After all, it beats the hell outa Band concerts!

Break a leg, kiddos! Break a leg!

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