Teen LIVE Drive!

Posted by Lessa on October 3, 2008 in Driving |

This is TOO cool! You know, our high school here in small town Alaska doesn’t have a driver’s ed program, though there is someone around here who does the job. For a fee, of course. I never could afford it, and my Daddy taught me to drive, as well as half the kids I grew up with, so I knew he could help me teach mine.

I still worry, of course – we all do – and now Teen LIVE Drive is here to help! What is it? It’s a website, with downloadable driving lessons. Sure, it’s not the same as getting behind the car, but it gives a driver’s eye view of things to look out for and things to keep in mind. It’s a GREAT asset to the parent struggling with control issues and letting their baby get behind the wheel, and every little bit of education helps. The price for downloading is reasonable, and even better for those of us in tiny towns – it handles issues like merging onto a highway, downtown traffic, cities in the rain, cross town driving – things we don’t have to deal with on a regular basis.

From hilly and windy roads, to distractions and the two-second rule, double yellow lines and two lane roads they cover it all. If you’ve a teenanger about to drive, or even driving already, I encourage you to take a look at Teen LIVE Drive, and show it to your teenager too. Every little bit of preventative learning helps, right?

PS. Thanks to Paul for showing me the site!

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