Psst. Is this thing on?

Posted by Lessa on November 15, 2008 in this-n-that |

Why, hello there. Fancy meeting you here. you thought I forgot all about you, didn’t ya? I didn’t, of course, I’ve just been doing my best to stay afloat with my million other blogs I write for, as well as a new client that’s determined to drive me insane. In fact, since he didn’t call me two days ago like he was supposed too, I told him I wasn’t working weekends – and to call me Monday.


I know. I’m a bad girl. Whatev.

I had intended to do NaNoWriMo this month, and I also had every intention of doing NaBloPoMo if I didn’t do the other, but as you can see, that is SO NOT HAPPENING. No blog post every day, no word count of astronomical proportions. Heh.

Novel wise – I do have someone who’s reading the first draft of AbO for me, but well, he adores me so I don’t see anything but glowing praise forthcoming. Not that I hate glowing praise! I just want it from an agent. Heh. I am still working on revisions to that one here and there, though. I also have another idea that I was going to use for Nano, but I sorta never got around to it, and how the hell is it halfway through November again anyway?! I swear, it’s mind boggling how fast this year has gone. Christmas commercials are on the boobtube for crissakes! Sigh.

Anyway – I added links to all the 451Press blogs I write for over there, so you have the actual sites linked as well as every entry in the top box. So see, I am writing… just not here. *L* I’ll try to do better. Promise.

(shut up. i know I say that all the time. *L*)


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