Neopets Puzzle Adventure!

Posted by Lessa on November 22, 2008 in Product News and Reviews |

Yup, it’s review day here at Parenting Teens Blog! For the past few weeks, the lovely Melissa and I have been chatting back and forth about the brand new Neopets Puzzle Adventure! I had to admit that I was a hopelessly behind the times mom, and had yet to give my kids a Nintendo DS, and thus couldn’t get my hands on an advance copy – but I do have a PC copy coming soon, where I’ll be able to give a complete review in the weeks after Christmas.

In the meantime – I invite you to test out the online demo of the game, which is surprisingly addictive and easy to use – and you can play it RIGHT here, after the cut below! (Click the “more” link!)

The Neopets Puzzle Adventure will be available on Wii, DS and PC, and will be launched officially on November 25th. It’s fun, and challenging as well (UGH! I will NEVER manage to beat anyone at this flipping the tokens game. It’s infuriating! My 14 year old, however? Loves to point over my shoulder and tell me what I SHOULD have clicked on…)

Check out some of the images below (click to bigafy!) – the colors are stunning, the characters engaging, and you get to pick your own species, color – customizing one of 12 Neopets, and name them when you begin to play. The game is like a classic Reversi and Go – but with a unique Neopets spin on it – along with a lot of fun, mini-games like match, etc. Not only that, but as you unlock more puzzles and areas in the game – you also unlock secret codes that can be redeemed at for exclusive virtual items and accessories! And there’s not just one or two quests, either – for the single-player alone there are more then 150 quests to go on! has an active virtual economy based on the caring and raising of your virtual pets, collecting Neopoints and taking part in daily and weekly creativity contests. There’s discussion boards, quests and thousands of virtual items that appeals to the Tweener audience! There’s an indepth and exciting storyline, an entire virutal world to explore, and as part of it, Neopets Puzzle Adventure is the ultimate puzzle adventure game for tweens, teens (…and me! I mean, adults!) alike!

(I’m gonna have to get me one of them newfangled DS thingys, huh?)

Hit up the demo above, and be sure to put this on the Christmas list for your DS loving Tween/Teen today! And keep checking back – I’ll be sure to write of our adventures as soon as our PC copy arrives!

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