Happy Tryptophan day!

Posted by Lessa on November 27, 2008 in this-n-that |

Happy Thanksgiving, ya’ll!

Things around here have been busy, as I try to keep up with 18 gazillion projects on a daily basis. Hee. The girl had her play, the teenagers are drama filled, the pup is back in the pool which means soon I’ll be poolside during her meets for the rest of the winter. She’s THRILLED to have swim team practices finally start, and it certainly makes her sleep well at night! She’s swimming four days a week for an hour after school, and comes home TIRED… and STARVING! It’s funny, she’ll stand there and tell me all about her practice, and I can HEAR her belly growl from like 5 feet away! So it’s good dinner, homework and off to bed, Monday – Thursday. She’s working hard, and we can’t wait to see how she does in the first meet, getting her very first official times so that we can gauge her successes for the rest of the season.

Anyway – hope you all are doing fabulously and enjoying a lovely food coma with your loved ones. We’ll be headed down to Nana’s later today to partake and share The Girl and Pup’s pumpkin pudding (Ala Rachael Ray) that they prepared last night. Then, tomorrow, it’s the biggest little celebration in town – Christmas Comes To Kenai. I may pop in and share some pictures of that for ya later this weekend too.

1 Comment

  • Sis says:

    I am not sure if I can handel that many. but ummmm. Dont let me stop you. 😉

    She does so good. and I really do looooove the butt wiggle. LOL

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