Get The Kissing Disease for Christmas!

Posted by Lessa on December 3, 2008 in Behavior, Communication, Sexuality |

We talk about sex around here. A lot. Mostly because I’m as bad as the kids and have the mind of a 16 year old boy, but whatever. Some folks think I’m nuts for the way we talk and joke and laugh about the “sensitive subject” but I just counter with the fact that at least MY kids ARE TALKING. Not only that, they’re talking to ME, and trust that I can give them the information they need, or at least point them in the right direction. And well, the teenagers – they are FUNNY.

Take today, this instance. It seems it’s time for the 9th graders in health class to dive into the Sex Ed sections of their book. Yay! The girl came home today, and crowed in mock excitement that covers the real ‘omg’ness of having sex ed:

Me: About SEX!
The Girl: Yes. Today? Today was Boy Parts!
Me: ooooh. ye olde Dangly Bits Chapter!
The Girl: Yup, and guess what we’re learning TOMORROW
Me: Where they PUT THEM!
The Girl: Wait, what? They put them in their pants! This is SEX ed, not FASHION!
Me: (collapses in laughter)

See? How can you NOT love these random conversations?! In fact, I’ve decided that for Christmas, I’m going to give each of the teenagers in my house an Sexually Transmitted Disease for Christmas. No, I’m not kidding. Wait, come back! I don’t mean LITERALLY! I mean in Giant Microbe Style. Check them out:

That’s Mono, Herpes and Chlamydia. Aren’t they cute? (Yes, I’m aware that Mono is different – but LOOK at it! It’s so CUTE! And it’s the Kissing Disease!) And hey -if it helps the teenagers laugh, as well as makes them THINK when they see an STD just sitting on their bed, then I’m all for it! Besides, how many times do you get to tell people you’re giving your teenagers the Kissing Disease, and/or STDs for Christmas and have it be a GOOD thing? It’s one hell of a conversation opener, for sure!

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