Neopets Puzzle Adventure Review!

Posted by Lessa on December 5, 2008 in PSA |

When the ever lovely Melissa (Plugged In PR for Capcom) contacted me about reviewing the brand spanking new Neopets Puzzle Adventure, I expected fun, squeals, and squabbles from my girls. What I didn’t expect was the shockingly unusual sight of my daughters working TOGETHER. The laughter, the helping, the excitement, and the groans – it was all there.

I love my life!

So, as I mentioned before, the Neopets Puzzle Adventure is out now, just in time for Christmas. You might think, with a name like “Neopets” that it’s for the younger ages, but this is no easy-peasy elementary puzzle… or is it?

We waited eagerly for our PC copy, since I’m a horrible, awful, terrible mom who hasn’t let her kids have a DS or Wii yet. (Inorite? SO MEAN! Auntie got HER kids a Wii! (so go play over there, ya ingrates!) GOSH!) It arrived today, and we set about installing it for the girls. Minor problem as we tried to put it on the computer without internet access first, and it complained about it, so we moved it to my computer. Inorite? If I’m such a mean mom, why did I let them take over MY computer for the evening?!

We got it installed, figured out, and I let the girls at it.

And I left. I had to go into town to take some cash to one of my ‘other’ kids, as well as deliver a forgotten phone to my son at work, get my Diet Crack, etc. You know, mom stuff. Including being shocked at spending less than $50 to fill my gas tank for the first time in months. Yay me!

I returned, expecting to find that the girls had already beaten the game, or their arguing had ended in copious amounts of bloodshed. What I found was giggling girls, frustrated yet determined. It seems that they’d been trying to beat the second puzzle, and weren’t doing so well. The Girl, 14, was growling, as her little sister watched wide-eyed and tried to be helpful. They passed it finally, and OH! the CHEERS! And then? They tried another puzzle.

Finally, the Pup, 9, asked if she could try, and The Girl was all. FINE! And you know what happened next, right? Right. The Pup beat that game, and crowed in delight as The Girl? She stared, slack-jawed. And then banged her head on the desk.

Sure, they went on to try some more, working together, with good-natured competitive banter bouncing back and forth, but oh, I’ll never let her forget that her sister beat her in a game she said was too hard. Her YOUNGER sister.

Somedays, it’s FUN to be the mom!

So, I said all of that to tell you this – Get Neopets Puzzle Adventure for your kids – DS, Wii, PC. It’s fun and entertaining, and challenging. I love any game that makes you think, that makes you work at it, and heck, it even brought the girls together without arguing to work out the puzzles together. Anyone who has kids with 5 years age difference knows how very rare that can be!

Besides – it gives you moments like this: Hey, girly! You realize your little sister is better at that game then you, right?!

Man, I LOVE my kids!

PS. Stop gasping, Nana! I have NO idea where she learned such a thing. Honest. And the rest of ya’ll – no comments about the mess that is my desk. Kthxbai!

PPS. I just spent an hour trying to beat tha second puzzle battle too. Too bad the Pup is asleep – bet she could do it!

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