It’s official…

Posted by Lessa on December 23, 2008 in this-n-that |

You see, Santa called Auntie Ladybug, and told her that the kids were invited to breakfast on Monday morning. That included an invitation for The Pup. When the pup heard this – she was SO EXCITED! My faith was restored! We still had a believer! Or did we…

Auntie took all the kids to the breakfast, where there were banana pancakes and other goodies, and of course visits to the Big Man himself. The two littlest, Buglet and Ladybug, were beside themselves with JOY! and CHRISTMAS! and OMG SANTA! And too cute for words. Then it was the older kiddos turn…

The Pups turn.

Auntie had to CONVINCE her to go up there – not because she was scared, but because AUNTIE! Banana PANCAKES! and PLEASE I’m too OLD…

(That sound you just heard? mah heart breakin! BREAKIN!)

But she did go up and stand next to him. And chat a bit. Ok – it was the pup, she discovered he was a captive audience and wouldn’t shaddup. (I hear she gave him the entire history about who Santa is, where the whole thing originated, etc. Yeah, I know. only MY kid, right? Right.) Ha! She asked for a Christmas Full Of Love (…cheeeeeeeeese alert!) and someone to teach her guitar, because she’s had her Barbie one for two years and still doesn’t know and GOSH – course she wants to play the french horn for band, so… whatev. Anyway. She posed in a “GOSH DO I HAVE TOO” arms crossed moment, until Santa asked if she was ticklish – and almost ended up with her in his lap for his troubles. And also? A picture that’s cute beyond words. observe:

Pup Santa

Pup with Santa

Sigh. Too old. My baby, my LAST BABY is officially too old. Hand me my cane, will ya? And also – GET OFFA MAH LAWN! Sigh.

It’s a good thing that at MY house – EVERYONE believes. Because if you don’t? There’s no gifts. I even believe. Even if I already know what I’m getting because I bought it myself. ha!

1 Comment

  • Sis says:

    Yeah well, she is still a “believer” she HAS to be. *G*
    I finnally got everything done at 1 am this morning. and i am up again at 5 am. why do I do this again? LOL
    But there will even be a handmade goodie for J under the tree. to go WITH what I already had for her. that just rocks/ I know right? but for her last year of being a believer and all….darn kids at school….she has to go out with a bang.
    we promise to make peanut butter cookies for santa. and if I can catch mom… no bakes. 😉

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