Happy BRRRRR Year…

Posted by Lessa on December 31, 2008 in this-n-that |

It’s almost 2009, and we’re freezing to death. Ok, not literally, but it IS a bit chilly. Think I’m kidding? Oh honey, you have NO idea. You see, we woke up to a OMGBRR temp of -23F this morning. Yes, MINUS 23. As in 23 BELOW ZERO, where 32 ABOVE zero is considered “freezing”. Umhm. I know. You’re totally jealous, aren’t you?

Inside the house, this old drafty house that can only contain heat if it’s actually summertime which does us no good at all in the wintertime, this drafty house where the heater is going non-stop and keeps on doing it’s best to keep heat moving… inside the house, it’s about 60-62 degrees. That doesn’t seem chilly, until you’ve been in it for a while, and suddenly, it’s not exactly warm any longer. No, it’s a little nipply, and the fingers are a little cold, and doesn’t everyone bundle up under blankets and sweatshirts and socks and GLOVES when their inside in order to keep typing because hey, my fingers, they are COLD?

Yeah. You’re jealous.
And you also think I’m totally exaggerating, don’t you?
Guess again:

Freezing Inside!

Freezing Inside!

Yeah. Who’s laughing now? Oh yeah. You are. Right. Harumph. Send hot chocolate?!


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