Some goodies for ya!

Posted by Lessa on January 6, 2009 in PSA |

It’s happened. For the past few weeks we’ve been getting fliers in the mail, brochures from Colleges around that have gotten word that I’ve a junior in high school that should have some idea what he wants to do with his life after high school.

Of course, if you ask him, he’ll tell you he has no idea. It’s not exactly true, as of right now he has no plans to attend college, so all the fliers tend to end up in the circle file as soon as they arrive. I think part of it is that he knows I can’t afford to help him pay for it, as I’m still paying off my own loans. He’d have to get his grades up, decide what direction he wants to go in AND get funding to get there. Yeah, I have a feeling he’ll be living in my shed for some time after graduation!

But at least he’s started to think about it, think about sticking with his current job, possibly moving on to follow his friends out of state, sticking around and helping out here. He has options, he’s just not quite ready to contemplate them yet. I’m sure some of you understand that – while other’s have kids already on the scholarship track, already knowing which direction they’re headed after graduation. We’ll tackle those kids first!

Holly, our buddy over at THE LEAGUE has a scholarship opportunity, through the John S and James L Knight Foundation that promotes excellence in journalism worldwide. Since 1954, the foundation has given more then $300 million in journalism grants. The KNIGHT scholarship is a national competition where three students will receaive $5000 each for their writings or reflections on civic experiences in one of three categories: Persuasive Essay, Personal Narrative, or News Story. This opportunity is open to high school seniors – and you don’t have to be part of a LEAGUE classroom to apply! You can apply at The LEAGUE starting January 5th, 2009, and the deadline is March 6th, 2009. I encourage you to check it out!

Now, for those teens that aren’t exactly sure what they want to be or do? Have I got the site for you! Me, I’m just a mom who gets paid to bitch about her teens, and I love that. This guy, though. Wow. This guy is a whole lot of motivation in one snarky chia-pet headed package. I’ve added his link to the sidebar, and encourage you to go and check out Hey Josh as soon as you’re done here, then send the link to your teen. He answers questions, he does reviews, he has a sort film series that tackles that most difficult of questions “What am I supposed to be when I grow up!” and encourages teens to really think about that, giving guidelines on how they might come up with something they can be happy doing. Check out his “Factory” below!

Now tell me that your kids wouldn’t get motivated by that?! If that’s not enough – check him out slinging advise on TRL on MTV – how much fun is he?

There’s also a new series on the site he’s starting called Smarty Pants TV this month, and the upcoming World Domination videos, all of which are aimed and helping our teens better themselves. Not a damn thing wrong with that, now, is there? Josh made me laugh, and nod along in agreement, and snicker some more. So what are you waiting for? Check out Hey Josh yourself!

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