Living with teenage boys.

Posted by Lessa on January 24, 2009 in Adolescence, Sons |

flasherI count myself lucky, actually, to have a son that collected such a great group of friends. I am even more lucky in that I, as they are fond of telling me, possess the mind and humor of a 16 year old boy. We all get along just fine.

Which is why I’m never afraid to beg them to do something for me – like bring me a diet crack coke, or check something on the car, or drop something into the mail box. T, the newest of ‘my’ boys, has just gotten to the point where he’s stopping by to grab a cup o’noodle and bs for a while. I got to embarass him a bit about his girlfriend last night, and make him blush, and he didn’t run away this time! Instead, he said “oh! your car! you needed me to look for something…” and dashed outside.

Remember that cold snap? Well, at some point during that OMGCOLD spell, I started the car only to discover that my blinkers and hazard lights weren’t working. Lovely. I called my dad and told him that I thought a fuse blew and he said no, it was the ‘flasher’ and he’d go get the part. Then, last night, T – our resident Car Boy – discovered that indeed, it WAS a fuse, as the hazards and blinkers had been hotwired by the previous owners to use the same fuse.

In other words – I was TOTALLY right. And you can bet your sweet bippy I called Dad and told him so too! He tried to deflect me by talking about the busted heater, but I got in my “Neener neener I was right!” anyway. Just because I don’t know a fuse from a hole in the ground, and had no idea what I was talking about anyway – it does not deflect from the fact that I! Was! Right! Neener.

So, all of this left us with the “flasher” plug sitting on the console in the jeep when my son took me to lunch today. While waiting for our food, he proved himself to be his grandpapa’s grandson, by picking up the piece, studying it, and asking the all important question:

“So, if I plug this into the back of a girls neck, will she then flash everyone?”

Yeah. I laughed. You gotta admit that was pretty amusing, and definitely something his Papa probably would have said, had he thought of it first. I swatted him on the arm too though, because I am STILL his mother. Even if I was laughing.

If nothing else, life with teenage boys is endlessly amusing!

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