
Posted by Lessa on February 16, 2009 in Adolescence, Behavior, family, Sons |

I’m not the best housekeeper, much to my mama‘s dismay. (Have you entered her contest yet? Hurry!) Things pile up, we sift through piles, we rearrange them, we sometimes (rarely) toss them, its.. well. Let’s just say I’m a packrat that married a packrat, and we both possessed the “bah, who cares” gene which we, of course, passed down to our children.

But sometimes, enough is enough, and I find myself willing to do ANYTHING to get their rooms cleaned. Anything.

About a year after my husband died, the Boy decided that he wanted to move out into the “Manspace” and claim it as his room. The Manspace is 10×12 glorified shed that we built so the hubby and his friends could hang out and drink beer without driving me insane with their antics in the living room. It gave us space to call our own, and probably was the smartest thing I’d ever agreed too in our 15 years together. I wasn’t surprised the boy wanted to make it his own – nor was I shocked that the girls were WAY excited about it, as they’d then end up with their own room for the first time since the pup was born.

So he moved into the Manspace. And quickly it looked like a bomb went off inside, as OMG. What a mess! Remember the bravest girl, ever? Yeah, that was the last time it was really clean.

But all that is about to change. You see, he texted me (I AM SUCH A COOL MOM!) to ask a question, and I laid some pretty serious rules down on him before I’d say yes. The Manspace had to be cleaned and kept clean. He had to remember to make sure his door was closed, he had to take care of things ON HIS OWN. This would be his responsibility – NOT MINE – he was to handle ALL THINGS NEEDED in order to make it a success.

He agreed.

Meet our newest family member:

Understandably, I’ve mixed feelings – from “aw, cute” to “i do NOT wanna have to take care of it!” – but like I said, sometimes you’ll do ANYTHING to get them to clean their room. Sigh.

PS. He’s still without name – suggestions?

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