Planet Ahead – Get it?

Posted by Lessa on February 19, 2009 in Education, Sexuality |

planetaheadlogoSo, in my many many hours that I spent bopping around the internets, I come across some pretty interesting sites sometimes, and this one is no different. I don’t even remember how I got there, but in one of my random link-clicking sprees, I happened upon, which caused me to instantly ask the question “is that a CONDOM he’s using for a CAPE?” And then I giggled. Because I am 12.

Anyway! It’s actually a pretty cool site, and yes, that is a condom he’s wearing as a cape, because the super heroes in that banner are named Condom Man and Lucy Lubricant. (Admit it – you’re giggling now, too!) The site is designed as a safe place for kids, teens and tweens, to ask and get answers to the questions hey might not feel comfortable talking to mom and dad about – everything from puberty to STDs, to the physical, and emotional risk of becoming sexually active. The answers are honest, and often include encouragement to talk to a trusted adult and/or a physician. The team at Planet Ahead -Condomania is a diverse group, including members of different ethnic, national backgrounds, and sexuality. This gives them a broad range of ‘experts’ to help give kids the kind of answers they are hoping for – honest ones.

Sure, it may make some parents uncomfortable, but knowledge almost never backfires. After all, we KNOW kids will eventually have sex – don’t we owe it to them to give them the correct tools to process their feelings and desires into healthy relationships? So check out the site today, and maybe sneak it onto your kids favorites list, or point it out in a more obvious “READ THIS” way, depending on how open you are with your kids and your own comfort level. There’s a LOT of good info there, and it’ll open doors to open and frank discussion with your kids.

Just don’t forget those all important four words that I start every sex talk with in my house… “I WILL KILL YOU!” followed by “…but if you must, know this…”

Because, you know, I’m cool like that.

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