Hello? Is this thing on?!

Posted by Lessa on February 26, 2009 in this-n-that |

Wow. Lookit me ignoring you guys. I totally suck. It’s like I have 18 blogs to keep up on, and I’ve been letting them all slide! No more of that! Here, let his cute picture of my kid make up for it!


See? Don’t you feel better now? Of course, now you can make all the jokes about dogs farting and all of that. I’m a giver, what can I say?

So, that beat up old jeep of mine? Well, my son was a doll and bought it for me, so that he could have a car of his very own. Amazingly enough, this allowed me to turn right around, borrow a little bit more money and get myself a better running version of the car I just unloaded on my son. Oh come on – he’s gonna tear it up anyway! Stop looking at me like that!

Anyway – i’m now the proud owner of a 93 Jeep GRAND Cherokee. Yes, it’s two years OLDER then the other one, but was literally driven around by a little old preacher man for 30 years, and he took much better care of it then we did mine. And it has heat. And auto windows. And auto locks. AND CUP HOLDERS. I’ve spent 10 years carefully balancing my large diet cokes against the e-brake! I now have CUP HOLDERS!

And it’s red. Just like my other one. See?


Isn’t she PRETTY? Course, on the way to swim practice, the kids asked if Papa had been in the car because “it smells like little old man!” so now it smells like “Vanillaroma!” thanks to the scenty tree hanging from the review mirror -a mirror which I totally have to learn to use again since mine fell off in the old one 3 years ago..

But all that pales compared to the the best feature – because OMG.CUP HOLDERS PEOPLE!




  • Adri says:

    93 Cherokees and Grand Cherokees are my favorite cars ever. I want one, one day. I don’t care if they’re old. I love them, and I’m jealous of yours.

  • Cindy says:

    Congrats on the new car, it’s awesome! I just got one too and I am also thrilled to death to have cup holders, LOL… My egg didn’t have any either so I know your pain. Starbucks stains don’t come easily out of car upholstery :o)

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