What do you play for?

Posted by Lessa on April 1, 2009 in Education, Sports |

Ashley sent me a note this morning to let me know about the “What Do You Play For?” campaign and asked that I pass it along to you – and I’m happy to do so!

I’ve done many sports with my kids, (10 years of Little League, and Boys n Girls Club Basketball) and though the two older ones are ‘over it’ the youngest is an avid swimmer and I still find myself with a regular case of bleacher butt as I watch her compete in meets with our local team. While it sometimes is difficult to find the right sport for your child (My youngest never did well when having to split the coaches attention with a whole team. That’s why she’s a swimmer – her biggest competition is herself!) I do think it’s important to get them into something while they’re young and let them dabble and try out anything they are interested in. It gives a great basis to learn teamwork, to learn to relate to an adult in a coaching position, and how to win and lose with a good attitude.

Brickfish and YouthNoise agree. They’ve teamed up for the campaign which advocates the use of sports to energize individuals, revitalize communities and promote change in the world. For their campaign, they are asking the entrants to submit photos that clearly demonstrate how they’re using sports to make impacts and hat causes and purposes they play for. The grandprize winner – selected by YouthNoise from the top 250 scoring entries, will win $500 cash or scholarship.


Here are the details:
• Entrants are asked to submit original photos that best represent how they use sports to make differences in their lives, their communities and the world.

• Include detailed descriptions of the photographs and what they represent.

• Consumers share their entries with each other via social media to get votes and reviews

• Entries are also ranked according to how “viral” they are(meaning how much they’ve been circulated throughout the Internet, be it via social networks, email, IM, or other sites)


• Grand Prize: One winner, selected by YouthNoise from the top 250 highest scoring entries, will win $500 cash or scholarship.

• Most Viral: One winner, selected by YouthNoise from the top 250 Most Viral entries, will win $500 cash or scholarship.

• Sign-up Sweepstakes: Five winners, who sign up to receive information from YouthNoise by filling out the form in the Campaign Highlights area of the “What Do You Play For?” campaign or that opt-in from the Submit Entry tab, will be randomly selected to win $100 cash or scholarship.

You can check out the campaign here, and also a demonstration entry here. Good luck to all those that enter! Let us know how it goes!

Thanks for the heads up, Ashley!

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