Can ya smell what the Mom is Cookin?!

Posted by Lessa on April 3, 2009 in Food |

cornedbeef-1Peppermist, upon hitting the door after school: OMG WHAT IS THAT SMELL?
Me, with a snort: That depends – is it good, or bad?
Peppermist, in disbelief: you’re COOKING?
Me, rolling my eyes: Yes. Why is that so hard to believe – and you didn’t answer the question.
Peppermist, rubbing belly: OMG WHEN WILL IT BE DONE SMELLS GOOD OMG!

You might think from the above exchange that I never cook anymore. Miraculously, however, my children still grow and thrive, so I must be doing SOMETHING, right? Granted, I don’t often splurge and grab a $13 corned beef brisket either. (It wasn’t $13 bucks when I bought it though – I got it outa the clearance bin. My mama didn’t raise no fool!) So when the kids hit the door one by one and smelt the oh so deliciously bubbling away in the crockpot rare goodie, I became queen of the universe – if only for a little while.

The Pup, upon FINALLY getting a plate because it was FINALLY done: MOM! This is the kinda meat I LIKE! That I told you about from Aunties! I LOVE THIS STUFF.
Me, again with the rolled eyes: It’s Corn Beef, darlin, and yes, I know. You are mostly Irish, after all.
The Pup: With the lil balls on top!
Me: you mean peppercorns?
Peppermist: she means DELICIOUSNESS.
Me: Put that back – that’s MY plate… eat ya OWN meat, womanchild.
Peppermist, with stolen piece of cb, rolling her eyes. Wonder where she got that from?: mamphnarfomnomnom!

I dunno. Maybe I SHOULD splurge more often… they were awfully nice to me all evening, at least until dinner was done and over with. I was nice and kept the crockpot warm until the boy came home from work too. He declared me a goddess.

They better not get used to it, though. Tonight it’s back to Mac and Cheese and Hot Dogs.

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