The End of Week One!

Posted by Lessa on April 6, 2009 in Randomosity |

So, Week one is in the books, and while some of the guests are just starting to get their feet wet, and we’ve an unprecedented level of Fail Jailing going on, I think we’re getting our footing and should be a on a roll now!

Despite the relative young age of the cast, they are all eager to play, and have shown themselves to be pretty upstanding and fun – though there are a couple obsessions that make us blink on a regular basis! (Dru, dru, dru! *L*)

So Chris won the right to call himself HOH for week one, and the nominees were Dru and Robert – aka, the invisible man. Not sure what happened to Robert, though, as our youngest houseguest, I wonder if he got grounded from he internets. He was so excited to be chosen, that his lack of activity was shocking – we just hope he’s alright and everything is good on his end of things. But that didn’t stop the houseguests from booting him unanimously, after John won and chose not to use the POV.

— Little hint for those on the block: When someone wins POV and is willing to chat about using it on a nom? TALK TO THEM. It could save your ass in the game. It could backfire, but you never know unless you try. This is ultimately a game about relationships with the other guests, so ya might wanna get to building those, hm?

Goes for everyone really. Chat it up! Never know when that’ll save your ass. —

So – Week one is over, and week two begins! Loads of stuff planned this week, so it’s one not to be missed! Jake has won HOH in a quickfire elimiguest type contest, and no one knows WHAT he’s gonna do in the nominations tonight.

Stay tuned, and join us! It’s gonna be a good week!

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