The best call…

Posted by Lessa on April 8, 2009 in Education |

brit** I get a lot of text messages and phone calls from my kids, and also “my” kids. They text or call to check in, or just to say hi, they call for rides and pickups and to let me know where they are, and they call when they need money.

Not all of them, but the ones I gave birth too, and a couple of others, often call when they have need. They understand when I have to say no, and they also when I can only spare five bucks. They never ask for massive amounts, and more often than not, they’ll simply come over and raid my fridge and pantry when they needs something. I’m perfectly ok with that – as that’s part of my job as a mom – be supportive, as well as make them fend for themselves as needed.

Yesterday though, the request for money also held a distinct level of pride attached to it.

I’ve mentioned B before – she’s the girl who stayed with us for a while before her 18th birthday, because she’d gotten kicked out of her grandmother’s house. B is fiercely independent and while she occasionally makes decisions I simply cannot stand behind, I’m proud to call her one of “my” kids.

She dropped out of her senior year in high school, knowing she wouldn’t have the credits even if she stayed in to graduate with her class. She and I have gone back and forth about what she should do, but I always left the ball in her court. She is 18, she can make the decision. She knows I want her to have a diploma or GED, and that I’ll do what I can to help her obtain it.

For a while, B attended the alternate high school, and made plans to be able to walk with her class. It didn’t work out, and she couldn’t quite get it together. Then, yesterday, I got the call.

“Mom! Can I borrow $25? Wait! Before you answer, ask me what it’s for – go on! Ask me!”

So I did. Turns out she needed $25 to pay to take the test in order to get her GED. I haven’t heard yet how she did, but that’s one check I certainly didn’t mind writing!

Congrats, B, on taking the initiative and taking the test. Here’s to good results! I’m so proud of you!

**Her hair is now short and punky and black and OH SO VERY CUTE – but I don’t have a recent picture. *L* her hair changes bi-weekly though, so who knows what’ll happen next!**

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