Week Two Roundup!

Posted by Lessa on April 14, 2009 in Randomosity |

WHEW! Things are movin right along, and we’re already into week three! If you missed any of the action last week – here’s a lil taste of the torture we inflicted upon our houseguests! (What? They like it!)

You see, my lovely co-host, Michelle, back at another game in another place was ousted (by ME! hee!) in week two. Then, in another game in another place, I smashed her wee lil piggy bank all to pieces. (But I glued him back together!)

So Week Two of the Big Brother Experience? Was all about Chelle’s Revenge!

In a rapidfire Elimiguest HOH challenge, Jake came out on top, and took over the HOH room. With delight, he nominated who his biggest threats, Wolf and John. Then all hell broke lose! You see, some folks figure they should get rid of inactives first, and let those who wanna play PLAY. Others think hello – let’s not waste an hoh, let’s take out a threat! The two sides squared off… lines were DEFINITELY drawn in the sand!

In the food comp, it was to be Famine or Feast as they searched for the Keys to their Kingdom. When only half of the houseguests showed, and the ones that were there worked their tails off, an executive decision was made and those who competed were rewarded and allowed to keep their PMs.

In the POV – Mig the Pig returned for his revenge, and executed many helpless Precious Moments figurines in the course of the competition. John came out on top once again, winning his second POV in a row! No dummy, he removed himself from the block, at which time Jake nominated Nelson in his place.

Oh but Chelle wasn’t done yet! Oh NO! You see, Easter was coming soon, and we knew it was time to have an Admin Easter Party! YAY! In our Surprise Easter Egg Hunt, four eggs were found – one of which was a Gold Egg, which was useable only in the WK 2 Eviction. John found it, and saved his buddy Wolf from the block, causing Jake to have an brief breakdown as he was forced to nominate yet ANOTHER houseguest for eviction. Chris was placed on the block, and in a rapidfire vote, the houseguests voted Nelson out of the house.

Whew. Are you tired? Cuz WE sure are! What a week! Chelle is feeling slightly vindicated now, but that’s not the last we’ll see of her evil ways, I’m sure!

We start off this week with a Chicken or the Egg trivia – and outa nowhere, Florian has won Head of Household! What is in store for the houseguests this week, with the Britt in charge? Time will tell!

Join us in the forums and follow along! Trust me, you don’t wanna miss this week’s happenings either!

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