So. Susan Boyle.

Posted by Lessa on April 22, 2009 in rants |

So here’s what I want to know:

Yes, Susan Boyle (..and if you don’t know who she is, you’re living under an internet rock…) is AMAZINGLY talented. She blew the judges and audience away with her rendition of a Les Miserable song (my favorite one, incidentally) on Britain’s Got Talent. Yes she made them all look like asses because they judged her on her “frumpy” looks, and her age. Simon Cowell apparently has a heart and is human, blah de fucking blah.

The real question is this: Would anyone be giving it this much attention, (over 5million hits on youtube, many many appearances, international insta-stardom) if she were the typical 100 pound beauty queen with the same singing capabilities?

Yeah. I didn’t think so. You can tell since everyone is on about her getting a makeover and shit. OMG she wore a touch of leather and a dress with color yesterday! ALERT THE FUCKIN MEDIA! Oh, wait, they’re already there…

Question number two: Is the world populated with judgmental assholes who refuse to look past someones outer being to find inner beauty and talent? And when shocked to find such talent do they immediately seek to force that person into a more traditional “beauty” role?


Good on ya, Boyle. Don’t ever change, not for anyone. Keep makin’ ’em look like the assholes they are.

(And if for some reason you DO live under that internets rock: see here.)

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