Body Modification

Posted by Lessa on May 4, 2009 in Body Modification, Moms |

It probably won’t surprise you, but I’m a fan of tattoos. You may not know that I’m also a fan of piercings, though I believe those are best in moderation. While I don’t have any extra piercings myself – just my ears, 3 in one, 2 in the other – that’s mostly due to my HUGE FEAR OF NEEDLES, rather than fear of public ridicule. Of course my huge fear of needles, and low pain tolerance, doesn’t explain my 4 tattoos. And plans for at least two more. Go figure. It’s just an added benefit that it makes my mom tsk and shake her head.


ANYWAY – it stands to reason, with my love of body modification, tattoos and piercings, that we’ve talked a lot about them around here. My husband had several tattoo’s as well, and they have always been a fascination for my kids. In fact, Peppermist, when all the other little girls wanted to be nurses and athletes, and moms, and business women – Peppermist wanted to be a Tattoo Artist. inorite? I was SO PROUD! Each of the kids have already picked out their first ink, have general ideas of Memorial tattoos they want for their dad, and give me pointers on what I should get next. We talk about how to pick out a good artist, what to look for, what questions to ask, and how that they need to be SURE that they know what they want, because it is permanent – laser removal is painful and doesn’t always work, so think it through.

newtat.jpgSo as a fan of the ink, imagine my delight when B – “my” girl by love not blood – sent me a text, telling me that she had a new tattoo she wanted to show off. It’s her second one – the first is her mom’s name and the date she died on her shoulder. When she showed me this one, I was all “AW! It says mom!” And then? Then she told me that this one? This one represents me.


I’m not ashamed to admit that I got a little verklempt when she told me that. And since it’s “Mom” on a shot glass, and I added that it would help remind her to STOP DOING STUPID SHIT LIKE DRINKING TOO MUCH. Cuz Mom? Is always watching. She laughed and said “EXACTLY!”

I love that kid like she was my own, even when I want to shake her for doing something stupid, and I’m so proud that she’s getting her GED, that she’s getting her act together, and that she’s doing well. And even when she’s not doing well – I’m proud that she has realized that I’m always here, and she can come to me for anything.

She’s a beautiful girl – and the ink? Only enhances that. Thank you, B. I’m honored to be represented in such a way! Now – finish up that GED!


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