Posted by Lessa on May 14, 2009 in family |

We didn’t think she’d gotten it. We wrote down the time, we saw it wasn’t quite good enough, I mentioned before that it was a successful meet but that she didn’t quite get the one time she wanted – the backstroke honor time. We were disappointed, however she had such a great first year, that it was ok with us! She’d get em next year, right?

WELL! Tonight was the swimming awards banquet and along with her participation trophy… guess what?



SHE GOT HER HONOR TIME! I don’t know what happened, when it happened, what went down, but by god, the OFFICIAL best time for her 50yd backstroke is now 57.59!


Auntie figured it out in the comments! When you swim the lead leg of a relay, they will count it as an individual time, giving the athletes two chances to get those honor times and medals – The pup swam the lead off leg in the 200yd medly relay, which meant she swam the 50yd Backstroke – THAT’S when she got her honor time of 57.59, in her very first race of the day! WAY TO GO PUP!!!!



  • nana says:

    congrats, gorlie!!!! Paw-Paw and I are awfully proud of you. πŸ˜‰ Great job!

  • Sis says:

    Now I thought long and hard about this. I THINK I know how it happened. when you are the leader in a relay race…. Did she ever do the backstroke in an nedley relay? that would mean the 50 backstroke would be the first one to be swam… and that time is official. that is why they had T~Fly do the first leg int he 200 free relay. so that he could try to beat his time and get the silver….. so… that would make a different official time. πŸ˜‰
    Auntie who is OH SO PROUD!

  • Lessa says:

    OH! she DID do the backstroke in the medly relay!! I totally forgot about that, i’d heard you explain it about timothy, but didn’t even think about that in terms of the pup. *LOL* makes TOTAL sense! and she WAS fast in that relay… it was her first race and she was all jittery. *L* I was all “bummer, they dq’d” and din’t even look at the splits.

    AWesome. And even better that it was a surprise!

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