LMK (Let Me KNow)

Posted by Lessa on May 24, 2009 in Education, PSA |

And we continue our theme today, by classifying it “Safety day” and adding the lovely Julie to the mix! She dropped me a line a while back to let me know of a new website that’s an interactive guide aimed at internet safety of our tweens n teens. With the internet so readily available, we often forget to talk to our kids about how to be safe online, and protect from some potentially negative effects.

The Girl Scouts of the USA and Microsoft Windows have started the initiative LMK (Let Me Know in text speak) which provides parents and girls with resources catering to both generations, aiming to bridge the digital gap between parents and teenagers. There’s two sections to the website, one aimed at the girls (lmk.girlscouts.org) and one for the parents (letmeknow.girlscouts.org).

On the girls side, teens find interactive quizzes, videos and expert articles that will help educate them about being safe online in a fun way. Girls can comment, share their thoughts and experiences on more than just the safety issues – commenting on many things that teens face and deal with everyday, from “Sexting” to “cyber-bullying” and everything in between. There is new content periodically and it’s for all teenagers – not just Girl Scouts!

On the parents side, they can sign up for an email newsletter written by a team of LMK Teen Editors, who share their knowledge about how teens are using technology and help the parents understand it all. Parents have the chance to learn need-to-know skills which will help them keep up to speed with what their kids are doing online. There’s also expert advise on many issues offered as well.

As with everything, I encourage you to educate yourself and talk to your kids! So what are you waiting for? Check out the LMK sites today and LMK how it goes!

1 Comment

  • […] while back I talked a bit about the Girl Scouts LMK site that helps teach teens and tweens online safety with a fun interactive site. With a parents section […]

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