Family Map

Posted by Lessa on May 25, 2009 in Cell phones |

We’re rounding out our PSAs today with the Family Map from At&T. With summer on us, and the kids off and running every which way, it’s harder than ever to keep track of everything we need to do, where we all need to be, and keep in contact with each other. AT&T understands that, and the lovely Sarah wrote to tell me a little bit about their FamilyMap.

Some of the features of the new wireless application is that it makes it easy to locate a family memeber’s phone via web browser – PC or Mobile style. It’ll let you see their whereabouts, as well as surrounding landmarks like schools and parks. You can also use the apps ‘schedule checks’ which alerts parents at specified times via text or e-mail, which will tell them where their kid is, even while they’re driving so that it doesn’t distract them.

Here’s a video of how one mom uses the Map to help keep her family organized:


Now, when I told MY teens about the application (Which I can’t demo for ya’ll, as I don’t have AT&T service) they felt it could open the door to MOM SPY, which of course I explained is my right AS a mom. It’s in the fine print. So, as with everything, I encourage you to talk to your kids about it and set some mutually acceptable guidelines for what you’ll use the application for exactly. And most importantly, respect their feelings on the matter.

If you’d like to try FamilyMap, AT&T is offering a 30-day free trial*, then the application is available for $9.99 (2 phones) or $14.99 (up to five phones) per month. Note that AT&T FamilyMap privacy standards ensure that all users on an account will receive a text message when their phones first become locatable through the service, as well as periodic reminders that their phones can be located. An account owner has the option of notifying a phone every time location information is requested.

(*Users must cancel free trial of AT&T FamilyMap within 30 days or be automatically subscribed at a cost of $14.99 or $9.99 per month depending on plan. Customers can cancel from the “My Accounts” portal on their handset or by calling AT&T Customer Care.)

So, if your interested, be sure to check it out if your on AT&T, and be sure to let me know how it goes! Tell ’em I sent ya.


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