Week 6 Roundup!

Posted by Lessa on June 1, 2009 in Randomosity |

Wow. Week six. Who knew it could go so fast? Would there be any more melt downs this week? Time would tell.

When we last left our houseguests, Florian had just become the first double HOH winner of B B E. In a move that was not entirely shocking, he nominated Jaym and Kyle for eviction, though rumor had it he had a plan and Jaym was just there for show.

Meanwhile, in the final Food competition for the seasons, Jamie correctly found and described several deadly foods, and in a shocking turn, decided to be nice and let the house “Feast” and have private messages, rather then take them all away but for herself and Florian as HOH in a “Famine”

It wasn’t enough to save her though, as Jaym won my favorite contest of the season, the Great God of Otev competition. It’s all about taking notes and counting days, ya’ll! She wiped the floor with her competition, and then used the P O V to save herself. Florian then nominated Jamie as the replacement, and his plan became abundantly clear. She was his target all along.

At the eviction, a contest was announced to get the houseguests publicly active. As Jamie walked out the door with a vote of 3 to 1, a post count war erupted. Jaym and Dru once again didn’t read the directions, and thought the competition was for 24 hours – not a full week.

Oh. The insanity.
Oh. The FLURRY of posts.
Oh. The reading!

They surely took the contest to heart. THEN realized it was for a week, 300 posts later.

Stay tuned for more!

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