Living with Teenagers

Posted by Lessa on June 23, 2009 in relationships |

Oh I love my teens – all of them, even the ones I didn’t give birth too. They make me laugh each and every day! Just in the past 24 hours, for instance:

St: Mom, why did you need SO MANY lightbulbs?
Me: because they all go out at once – speaking of, mr. tall boy, would you take care of the entry way and porch light on your way out?
St: (rolls eyes) Yeaaaaaaah.

So they move over to the entry way light, and suddenly, we’re wondering just how many teenage boys it TAKES to change a lightbulb – because St? He’s the biggest and tallest of the bunch… and his fingers barely fit in the opening of the light fixture. Then when he went to pull the bulb out – after OH SO CAREFULLY unscrewing it with TWO fingers…

…his hand was stuck. STUCK. G and I just laughed, and then G went over to help catch the bulb so St. could put the new one in. Then, just before he was BLINDED, he thought to ask “Hey, is this on? AUUUUGH! BRIGHT!”

Answer: It takes at least TWO Teenage boys to change a lightbulb – and one Mom to laugh and take a sneaky picture.

G: Hey St.? how many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two! but no one knows how they got in there!
Me: hahahah!
St: …. (blank look)
Me: screw… not screw in the lightbulb, but SCREW… in th…
Me: HAHAHAH! Oh. Em. Gee, boyo, oh. em. gee.

You’d think that it was Grandkids that made having kids worth it. I beg to differ. It’s TEENAGERS. I know, I’m likely the only person on earth who thinks so, but I don’t know what I’d do without my kids, making me laugh as often as they do.

Even via text message.

B: MOM! I gotta JOB!
B: Which means after tomorrow I won’t ask you for money any more!
Me: WHOOHOOO! I’m so proud of you!
B: I love you!
Me: Love you too, kiddo.
B: So can I have the change outa your car for gas?
Me: …

Ya know, if it weren’t for these kids of mine and all their friends, eating me out of house and home, making me groan, making me laugh – this Mom gig would be flat out boring.

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