Happy Independance day!

Posted by Lessa on July 4, 2009 in Randomosity |


We did what we always do on July 4th:
– go to the parade
– forget the sunscreen
– rationalize that to go back and get it would be silly because
– it ALWAYS is cold and foggy on the 4th
– belatedly remember that it’s sometimes REALLY HOT too
– realize that this? Is one of those years.
– make lobsters jealous with the color of your exposed skin.
– oh, and Enjoy the Parade despite courting skin cancer.

Fun, huh?

Actually it was a lovely day, despite my sunburn! Peppermist, her BFF Micky, the Pup, Nana and I met up at the parade, and giggled and pointed and took a ton of pictures, while enjoying a bit of our small town life – that looks anything but small town. You see, the parade is the BIGGEST party of the year – even though we have no firework.

…I see your confused expression there – let me remind you that I live in Alaska, land of the midnight sun. Fireworks aren’t any fun if you can’t SEE them!


When you live in Alaska, you often make your own fun – like so:
The Pup: Did you get that streamer headband for ME?
Mom nearby: (Tries not to laugh outloud. Chokes. Gives up. Laughs loudly)
Me: (points and laughs at nearby mom – gives up the Streamer Headband)


Micky: I like sitting next to the highway – the wind from the cars is cooling.
Peppermist: Did you just say ‘the highway is for cars’?!
Me: OH EM GEE! NO WAI! The highway is for CARS?!

See, don’t you wish you hung around with us ALL the time?!

irtallernoir-150x150After the parade, we braved the local grocery store, IGA, because they had bacon on sale, and I’ve never met a slice of bacon I didn’t devour – and we stayed to see if we won the $500 grocery spree. We didn’t, but we had fun anyway – Peppermist teased Nana because she’s taller than her, and pup proved a most EXCELLENT bunny ear giver for picture purposes.

Then after the fun, we headed home to nurse our burning skin, listen to some tunes, find the cat that had escaped earlier, and relax.


Here’s hoping your 4th was filled with easy going, relaxing family fun too!

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