Sunday night…

Posted by Lessa on August 2, 2009 in _Reality Daze |

4 8-2-2009 05.04.5 PMWe come back after the show, with Jeff and Jordan are laying in the HOH bed, giggling and being goofy. Jeff doesn’t like people laying in his bed, so he feels a little weird. They’re being thier adorable selves… laughing because they can’t figure out the buttons on the spy screen remote and keep missing people who are walking by…

Jessie and Lydia are doing each others hair. Jessie won’t go out with ‘devil horns’ even though Lydia’s hair is a hot mess.

Jeff: we’re like beevis and butthead, hating on everyone! We’re not even up here, we’re fakin like we’re up here! I hope this next HOH comes to me and Jessie.. smoke his ass.

Russell joins, and they’re giggling like crazy… Russell admits to watching them and making voices, and Jeff and Jordan says they were doing the same thing and laughing…

Russell: dude, they’re all fucking scared downstairs. They’re being paranoid and freaking out.
Jordan: because of Ronnie?
Russell: they’re like everyone’s coming after us! And I’m like that’s kinda the point of the game. Now he’s pissed because I was like I didn’t care… I’m like well, Jessie, you shouldn’t have spent 24/7 with your girlfriend.
Jordan: He stopped me and was like you know we have other targets..
Jeff: bullshit
Russell: yeah, and you know they didn’t want Ronnie up. Obviously he and Jessie are in together… can you tell the way they’re grumpy because Ronnie’s gone?
Jeff: yeah, and I said like first week, this was what happened, and what is he thinking, it was obvious you were in last place! He did that to himself!
Russell: yeah, I’m like whatever. He’s gonna put me up either way.
Jeff: he’s probably putting us up. Just be cordial.
Jordan: I told Jeff I feel Russell’s with us, really.
Jeff; and when he talked to me, he’s like what’s going on?
Russ; he acts like he’s running the show…
Jeff: yeah, I just played it off

Lydia comes to get Jordan to work out with her and Michele. Ruissell goes to work out too, and Jeff is gonna make something to eat.

Russell decides not to work out – sits with jessie and they quietly make fun of the girls as they do.

6:35 Russell/Jessie – Patio
Russell – you and natalie look pissed man, what’s up?
Jessie: nah, she said something about (someone?) so I started to mess with Lydia. She’s pissed. I haven’t talked to Lydia in three days, had a kink in my neck in three days.

Jeff comes out with a snack, general chitchat.

Inside: Natalie’s making her tuna again, with Chima cutting up veges. Kevin watches, Ronnie hovers.
Ronnie: After eating in the HOH and the pov, you’re lucky they didn’t put your ass on the block.
Kevin: thank you producers!

Ronnie: Lemme tell you something about michele, she’s the biggest kiss ass in here.
Kevin: she’s never kissed my ass.
Ronnie: you havent won HOH
Kevin: Next week
Ronnie: you say that everyw eek and every week your the first one out!
Kevin: I have a DREAM!

Ronnie: if Russell is gonna be a have not next week, I’m glad I’m going home.

6:58 – HOH Room
Russell: she was like your new best friend Jeff, I asked her what she said and she said Michele, and she got pissed, I told her to quit her day job and be a comedian. I’m like what is she want to say that she’s too scared to talk about – why do girls have to throw little fucking jabs. Jessie isn’t your fucking boyfriend, jessie, and Chima’s pissed because I rated that girl yesterday at 9.5 and I’m assuming Kevin told her and she’s pissed.
Jessie: you see how he does that? He just instigates shit.
Russell: it’s this little ball, and they’re pissed when I want to just go outside and tan? Fuck you guys. I joke around with Jeff, we squashed what we had, it’s none of her fucking business. We addressed it two weeks ago. That’s how guys deal with it. Girls don’t they fucking carry grudges.
Jessie: that’s what I’m saying – I don’t care what they say, they want two girls to go to the end. Chima, Natalie and Lydia!
Russell: Natalie was in here, and I know she’ll pair up with chima.
Jessie: yeah, we gotta get there first
3 8-2-2009 06.06.38 PMRussell: Its just Chima… she’s not my fucking girlfriend. I’m this close to fucking blowing up on her ass. She takes it too far. She always wants to push it and you know, she’s 34, and set in her ways and always think she’s right. There’s a reason she’s still single.
Jessie: Just get by this, Don’t think that way – they will self destruct
–Lessa: dude. if I have to keep listneing to you talk, which kills me anyway, could you at least take wtf ever you have shoved in your jaw out ya damn mouth? Talking with a slop ball in your cheek is fucking ridiculous.

Russell: Where did this best friends with Michele came up? Are you kidding me? Everyone came up and talked to you with as HOH, no one said anything. only way she even would have known is if Natalie fuckin told her.
Jessie: Nah, I think she just grabbed a name.
Russell: girls are drama queens. Sorry America.
Jessie: And Kevin..
Russell: dude, I know what he says is a lie, you don’t need to keep brining him up.

Meanwhile, Ronnie gave Lydia a little playdoh bee he made. Says he’s making things for the important people before he leaves.

Russell leaves and goes and talk to Jeff – more complaining about Chima acting like she’s his girlfriend.

Jordan offers to find Russell a blond girlfriend in Charlotte.
Russ: You gonna find one for Jeff too?
Jordan: yup. find him a dark haired girl.

Transitions into sexy celebs.

7:26 – HOH Natalie/Jessie
Natalie: Russ say anything?
Jessie: He’s pissed at chima. He thinks you said something to her about Michele
Natalie: I didn’t say anything. He’s outside talking to Jeff and Jordan.
Jessie: I have to win. They have something. I have to win. I don’t give a fuck. We need to talk to Jeff and Jordan and act like we care about them.

Natalie leaves, and Chima comes in
Chima; I went outside and Russell just told Kevin that they need to talk, and it stopped when I came out.
Jessie: Did Kevin tell you what he rated that girl.. he thinks that you’re still upst about that, that’s it. The whole thing.
Chima: i didn’t bring that up today at all!
Jessie: You said something about him being best friends with Jeff and Michele. I played it off like you pulled a name out of the hat..
Chima: he said something about lydia and I said Michele’s your new girl friend now, and he didn’t like that.
Jessie: I don’t understand why he gets so much grief over it. He’s just liek I dunno why she pissed me off…
Chima: why doesn’t he talk to me about it?

outside – he starts to say something to Natalie, then says they’ll talk later. He’s still on the elliptical.

Jordan: We haven’t kissed kissed yet..
Natalie: SHE SAID YET!! Means she wants too! one of you get that HOH room and that’s when it’ll happen!

General chitchat all around.

7:49 Russell just broke the elliptical.
Jessie: you killed the fucking machine, russell!
Russell: it wasn’t me!
Jeff: go to the DR – can we have some toothpaste, shampoo and a new elliptical?

Natalie tells Chima to quit making comments to Russell, she’s gonna set him off. Alcohol!

Ronnie: Michele’s trying to cause descention in the ranks. When he called me up there and asked me what I thought about you, I said you were a survivor, and I said that I liked Jessie and natalie.
Chima: If he asked you that, then it means it’s what he thinks..
Ronnie: he thinks Jordan is working Jeff too. He said that in front of all of us.
Chima: Well, let’s pray I win HOH.
Ronnie: I should have put him up week two.. shoulda woulda coulda.
Chima: Jessie paranoid he’s gonna put him up now.. He might put me up though.. he’s getting upset about the comments I made
Ronnie: I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s got Michele to use the veto on Lydia and put one of you against me to make sure I go home. He asked me what I thought about everyone, and It old him what I’ve already told you. I lied to him about Michele.
Chima: Nothing he does is making sense…
Ronnie: I think it’s two fold – I really think that 70% is he knows, he hasn’t been told, but he wants to split me and Jessie apart. And the rest, he told he I was a scary guy.

Ronnie: Oh America please give me the power – if I get it and you can change the nominations, and vote someone else, I swear to you… Jeff is out and that’d leave Kevin Jordan Russell.

Chima: his whole speech was based on lies!

They continue to bag on Russell.
Ronnie He wants to look like the victim. He wants to look like he wasso nice to me in my time of need and I slapped him by talking to Lydia.
Chima: and all his talk about his god -it’s just bullshit.
Ronnie: Jeff attacked me about religion? He asked if they gave my the bible and to me that was an insult, and he was trying to contrive something.
Chima: He’s the hypocrit.
Ronnie: transference again. He’s afraid that your playing him
Chima: I thought we were genuinely friends.
Ronnie: Michele’s not voting for my ass, I don’t want her crazy ass vote anyway. I think she’ll regret putting me out.
Chima: Why would she think Jeff and Russell are better
Ronnie: She’s touched. She’s crazy. She’s stupid. She doesn’t have a lick of common sense. She’s thinking ROnnie will burn me in the long run, and she was right, but she’ll be the next one out now. I think Jeff will put Jessie up, two of you three are going up, If lydia..
Chima: if anyone does…
Ronnie: it was such a strong a liance… I’m so mad
CHima: it was Michele and Russell. Switching sides.
Ronnie: and he’ll be up your butt if you win hoh. Play smart and strategicially.
–They continue in that vein, and the on to the power, and how they’re being edited etc.

2 8-2-2009 06.46.48 PMMichele’ looking hot tonight in the kitchen…

Chima and Ronnie continue to bag on Russell, and how he’s keeping people from talking to each other, it’s all lies, you have to get him out, so on, so forth… they tear into Kevin quite a bit too. Then back to the power, which they think they’ll find out about tonight, when we actually have till Tuesday to continue voting…

Ronnie: and Michele switches sides, again. I swear to god, can they please get a cast that doesn’t involve floaters?!
Natalie sticks her head in: Russell says he heard everything you said..
Ronnie: I don’t care
Natalie; you might not, but SHE does…
Chima; I want to call his ass out… You can’t have a conversation without him thinking your scheming!
–Lessa: pot, kettle, your both black!
Natalie: Tell him that Michele was in here.. he thinks she’s in this… tell him she was and that Jordan/Michele was lying..

Chima and Ronnie don’t buy it – especially because Michele/Jordan told him Michele was in the diary room.

8:51 Jeff/Jordan on the patio, worried that they’re being the butt of another joke because of all the sketchy stuff going on. Jeff tells her to go ask Russel what’s going on. They know bot Russell and Jessie are paranoid, and Jessie is filling Russell’s head full of crap.

9:10 – Chima’s working herself right up into a lather…
Chima: I’m not gonna confront him about it, but if he gets in my face it’s a done deal.
Jessie: He knows. I’m sorry man, it’s fucked, we’re fucked. We tried man, you know we did.
Natalie: Chima, you don’t go down with her.
Jessie: I’m not defending him, you know I’m not. Lydia’s loving this shit..

Outside – Natalie takes the opportunity to make sure everyone knows she’s on the ‘get rid of Ronnie’ train, by telling Lydia and Michele that it’s time for him to go.

Ronnie and Chima finally end their little powwow, and gave chima some little playdoh something or another. Ah, it was a brain, for the Brainiacs.

Almost on cue, outside, Lydia asks Michele and Natalie if they’ve gotten anything – and tells them about her bumblebee Ronnie gave her and that he said not to tell anyone.

…Michele doesn’t like chocolate. I’m oddly disappointed.

Jessie gets tackled by the girls, because he refuses to play a game, he stalks out. Chima asks Michele to talk, and Russell thinks something weird is going on – so Jeff goes to see where they’re talking – they’re in the Green room, and Chima’s telling her that Russell’s paranoid and she’s not gonna confront it because it’s not worth it. That Russsell’s only upset because Russell doesn’t want them to compare notes..

Jeff doesn’t see them, and does his best to calm Russell down.
Russ: Chima’s just talking shit man. Cuz I busted her.

This is gonna blow sooner or later!

10:18 –
So – Chima talks to michele and unloads about Russell being the rat. Michele listens and says they should continue to check in with each other, but I’m not sure she’s buying anything. Meanwhile Natalie is everywhere, doing her best to shred Michele. Russell’s getting irritated about it all – that all the sneaking around is stupid. Jessie is scrambling, and it’s getting him on edge. Jeff and Jordan give him tips on how to handle it. They’re worried Michele isn’t sticking strong. Russ goes to the hammock. Lydia goes to talk to Jessie, and that Natalie said he was a pansy.

And round and round and round they go… Jeff’s getting testy too… telling Jordan she has to learn to bite her tongue because she stood up for Casey – what if they swing Michele, then one of them can go up.

Russell: You’re fine, Jordan. I’m not gonna put you up.”

He heads inside to see what all the jabberings been about… Michele was called to the DR – and Jeff was in the bathroom, they find CHima/Natalie/Kevin chatting in the bathroom. Michele passes him on his way back out. We have sound bleed – we hear chima but see the outside. WHe come back to Jordan..

Jordan: I dunno, she’s drinking alcohol.
Jeff; You got Chima, dude.
Russell: We’re fighting.
Jeff: you could do what Jessie does with Lydia.
Russell: I can’t stand her..
Jeff: I dunno why you had to start shit with Lydia
Jordan: I wasn’t! I just defending Casey…

Russell heads inside to find Jessie, tells Jeff and Jordan to come upstairs if they want later. He checks the pool room, posh room, but not the Have not room – which is where JEssie/Lydia are. He then just goes up to HOH.

Outside – Jeff/Jordan
Jordan: If Ronnie goes, we still don’t have the numbers.
Jeff: unless we get Kvin and Lydia
Jordan: Never get Lydia.
Jeff: you have to be careful after this, because everyone after this will be going to the Jury house. Can’t piss them off.
Jordan: I just think it was weird that when Russell went inside, he went straight back to where Ronnie and Chima were.. but he is tellin us stuff.
Jeff: Russell’s with us. I’m tellin ya that. Once Ronnie’s gone, it’s a big step. If ya piss Lydia off though, and she goes talk shit to Natalie and Jessie…

And Michele comes out…
Jeff; are ya alright? Stay strong?
Michele: Stayed strong.
Jeff: I was ready to pull a fire alarm and get ya outa there.
Michele: where did ya think I was?!
Jeff: with Chima and Jessie..
Michele: Just chima.
Jeff: Oh!
Michele: she’s havin a break down. boy stuff
Jeff: russell stuff?
Michele: yeah. She just needed to tlak to someone. She’s been nice to me.
Jeff: oh, I thought Jessie was in there…
Jordan: Jessie was freakin out… about the POV. He wants you to save Ronnie and wants Jeff up.
Michele: Not gonna happen. POV isn’t gonna be used. Voting is locked, Lydia is staying.
Jordan: He was freaking out
Michele: dude. if you were so fuckin scared, win the veto yourself. I have jedi mind powers. I only break down at 3am by myself in a bed.

–Lessa: Michele restores our faith in her once again. Go Geekette Go!

Jordan lets her know that Natalie was in the middle of the Russell/Chima drama, while swearing she wasn’t.

Michele: this is why I had to play both sides, so they’d think they had the numbers. Then they got cocky and started to make mistakes, so I’m stabbing them in the back. He (Jessie) and he walks around like he’s king of the hill, and now he’s just a mess.
Jordan: and he thinks he doesn’t have to do anything!
Michele: he has girls do it for him. Why do it when everyone else will do it for you!

Jordan: Be careful when ya talk to lydia, she goes straight to Jessie.
Michele: Oh I know. I don’t tell her anything. I was only talking to Chima as a friend, she gets worked up when she drinks. I was just helping her calm down, that’s all. I wasn’t schemin.
Jeff: Cool, cool.

3 8-2-2009 10.09.44 PMMeanwhile – inside, Russell is eavesdropping on the HOH landing until Kevin goes outside, and Jeff hits the HOH bathroom.

Russell: So what’s going on?
Jeff: Dude, everyone’s paranoid. We totally over-thought that. Jessie wasn’t even in there. She was talking to Chima about Russell, about liking you.
Russell: You believe her?
Jeff: Yeah, 100%. She’s not using the POV
Russell: she can still vote…
Jeff: She wants him out of here!
Russell: what does this have to do with me?
Jeff: Chima was drinking, you know, and you know how she gets, that’s all.
Russell: this sucks man. I don’t even like her, not even a little bit. How do you tell them to back off, without pissing her off?!
Jeff: something, Catholic, and can’t mess around or something.
Russell: so where’s Jessie?!
Jeff; I dunno. Dunno where Lydia is either.

Russell: I’m spinnin, what do you think of this?
Jeff: They’re spinning. We’re fine man. They should be spinning. You gotta relax.

More talk about Chima, crazy girlfriend, etc.

Jeff: and this stupid fucking wizard thing suck ass! It’ll probably be like you get a lollipop for the week and we’ll be all like wtf?
Russell: it’s probably like something like you can change the noms..
Jeff: It could be something like evict someone right away too. LIke you think your eating dinner? Fuck that, pack your bags..
Russell: If Ronnie gets it? Man… rigged
Jeff: I’ll be so mad.

Russell finally finds Jessie and Lydia, sleeping in the doom room. He goes back outside where they’re chatting about general stuff. Chima/Ronnie continue to talk in the bathroom.

Lydia comes outside and sits on Russell’s lap.
Lydia: why’s she talking to ronnie? she’s all acting like she cares – I think she’s trying to piss off you.
Russell: whatever…
Lydia: she vocalized out here that you locked her out of your room when she wasgonna take a nap..
Russell: I was sleeping! Since when does she have all access pass to my room?!

More about the girl in the POV comp, etc.

Russell to the DR, Ronnie to bed to read, Chima’s wandering.

General chitchat outside on the patio… Jordan asks how come Ronnie got on this year, instead of the other years…
Kevin: They needed a brain
Michele: They found the one human on this earth I’d hate instantly, that’s why they’re have him here!

12:14 – Fish, Jordan’s talking about her brother’s GF.

So, Natalie dashed upstairs to talk to Russell, and use the time to toss Michele under the bus some more. Russell was sleeping, so it didn’t last long. She goes to find CHima, and finds her in bed, so walks past Jessie in the kitchen, and goes to the green room on her own.

Everyone’s sleeping (Jeff and Jordan all spooned and uber cute) but for Jessie, Natalie, and Kevin/Lydia are comparing notes of the day in the hammock.

2:00 – Natalie lies to Kevin re: GrapeGate
Natalie: Just to clarify, I didn’t tell them about the grape. Maybe they just saw you eat a grape.
Kevin: It wasn’t like I wanted to eat it, I was like oh shit…
Natalie: they could have heard it while they were editing or something.
Kevin: One fucking day for one fucking grape.

Jessie/Lydia are doing their fighting thing again. So I’m going to bed – it’s more of the same – aka: gag.

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  • BBFreek says:

    There is new voting for HAVE NOTS at CBS.. I chose LIVER & LIMES, lmao!! The other choices are Eggplant & Eggnog or Sardines & Saltines..

  • Jodda says:

    Michele is looking sooo cute tonight! Rock on Michele!

  • Jodda says:

    that stupid slop ball was killin me last night as well. What is he, a squirrel????

  • Lessa says:

    Its SOOOOOOO annoying. It’s like wtf? chew and swallow for crissakes. Its not gonna taste any better if you salivate over it for an hour…

  • Jodda says:

    Maybe he’s finally listening to Casey’s words “let that marinate”. LOL

  • Amanda says:

    so do you think micheal is gonna stick to her word? and also do you think that russell will stick with jeff after this week if jessie or nat get hoh?

  • Lessa says:

    Amanda – yeah, I think so. I’m pretty sure Michele is solid with Jeff and Jordan, as well as Russell.

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